Page 99 of Bitter Sweet Heart

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“Step down, Maverick.” My dad pushes between us, shaking his head. “You need to back off. If you so much as lay a finger on my son, I’ll have you so wrapped up in legal red tape, it’ll make your head spin and your bank account cry.”

Gabriel runs his tongue over his teeth and takes an exaggerated step back, holding his hands up in surrender, gaze moving over my dad’s shoulder to where I’m standing. “Leave my wife alone. She’s a bleeding heart. It’s one of her personality flaws. I did some digging. I know about you and your family.” His gaze shifts to my mom. “Your golden boy is just a pawn in a game.” He turns to walk away but pauses and spins to face us. “In case you weren’t aware, you should know that my wife is your son’s professor.”

He grins when my mom gasps, like he’s proud of the bomb he dropped. He tucks his hands in his pockets and starts whistling as he crosses the parking lot, disappearing around the side of the arena. I’m sure he parked his car in another lot on purpose. This feels orchestrated, like he’s been waiting to pull this shit.

My dad puts a hand on my shoulder. “Come on. You need to get in the truck.”


The Verbal Diarrhea Match


Tonight, more than any other night, I wish I hadn’t driven in with Kody and Quinn, because then I’d have an escape route that isn’t sitting in my dad’s truck, fielding twenty questions. I try to climb into the back seat, but my mom elbows me out of the way.

“Oh, hell no. You’re sitting up front with the human time bomb.” She gives me a look and holds out her hand. I give her mine, and she hoists herself into the back seat, shimmying over until she’s in the middle of the bench while I climb into the front passenger seat.

“Are you trying to sleep your way to a degree?” she asks.

“No, Mom. And most of my professors are old dudes. There’s no way I would sleep with any of them.”

“Are you an escort, then? Is that what’s going on? Are you pimping yourself out like . . . like . . . one of those pool boys?”


“Kids do it all the time in college. They get a sugar daddy, or mommy, who pays for all their things in college! Tuition, clothes, boob jobs, which obviously you don’t need because you don’t have boobs—but that’s not the point! We have literally millions of dollars. You do not need to sell your body for money!”

“How do you know that’s what girls do in college?” Dad asks.

I give my dad a look. “Leave it to you to get all territorial about Mom thirty years after the fact. You didn’t even know Mom back then. So what if she had a sugar daddy?” If I can defend my mom, I might get her to calm down.

She makes a gagging sound. “I never had a sugar daddy in college! As if I wanted to sleep with guys with saggy balls before I had the saggy boobs to match! But I had friends who did it.”

“Friends, huh?” Dad arches a brow and glances at her in the rearview mirror.

“Focus, Alex! We’re talking about our son and what happened in that parking lot.” She points at me.

“I’m not an escort, Mom. I don’t have time to fake-date people.”

“She’s a professor! How old is she?”

“She’s not even thirty. It’s not a big deal.”

“What does that mean? She’s twenty-nine? Professors aren’t that young.”

“She is.”

She slaps the center console. “You are twenty-one years old, Maverick Alexander Waters. You are supposed to be dating nineteen-year-old girls!” My mom’s voice is shrill. Her head is right beside mine, and she’s basically shouting in my ear.

“According to what freaking handbook?” I shift in my seat so I’m looking right at her. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’veneverdated a girl my own age, or younger. In high school, I dated girls who were at least the year above me, until I became a senior, and then I didn’t have a lot of options. Having a dick that’s like a third freaking arm scares the fuck out of high school girls, FYI.”

“He has a point, Vi,” Dad mutters.

“Why are you showing your dick to high school girls? That’s illegal!”

The shrillness isn’t abating.

I hold up a hand. “Calm down. I’m not showing my dick to high school girls. I’m just saying, when I was in high school, there was no way I was going to lose my virginity with someone who had zero dick experience. Like I wanted to scar some poor sophomore for life with this thing.” I point to my crotch.
