Page 14 of Taken By the King

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A dreaded silencereigned in the limo as I shifted on my seat. Sebastian was typing away on his phone again but he seemed a bit more relaxed now. The crease on his forehead was gone and he had released his bottom lip from the tight grip of his teeth. I hated that he was treating me like I didn’t exist right then, like a decoration and a woman without a voice.

He’d had time to coach me now, to tell me how I was supposed to behave; instead, he left me in the dark and completely ignored me. Every now and again, I would catch him chuckling to himself. I didn’t need to peep at the screen to know he was chatting with a woman. It was obvious and right then, he didn’t give a flying fuck about anyone else. I wasn’t his partner, after all, but his prisoner, and as far as I was concerned, he wasn’t planning to be nice to me at all. I just needed to get a hold of myself and figure out how I could survive acting like his dead wife.

To my surprise, his presence didn’t bother me. Neither did the fact that I could still feel the memory of his gun pressed to my chin. I was replaying that scene over and over in the car, but his threats sounded jocular. He couldn’t have been serious, could he? A jerk, yes. Brutal, yes. But not this insane? Of course I knew he was dangerous but I wasn’t really sure if he would truly hurt me at the drop of a hat.

Well, maybe he would once he had no use for me… such was his world, at the end of the day.

The world I’d been also born in yet sheltered from so thoroughly.

At least I looked good—they’d done wonders with their ‘transformation’. Despite the bleak situation, I wanted to savor the feeling, live in the bubble for as long as I could hold on to it. Karla, the store owner, didn’t just give me a wardrobe makeover. She bolstered my self-esteem, something I didn’t think was possible. Before today, I was fine staying in the background while others enjoyed the spotlight. And whenever I was feeling down or depressed, I would mark my legs until I saw blood. No one knew about this and I hoped it would stay that way. But in this moment, I wanted to stop. To not hurt myself like this ever again. This was a feeling I wasn’t used to, but I’d take it. As I sat there, feeling the suit caress my body in a way that only expensive clothing could, I didn’t mind attracting attention to myself because for once, I met my own standards of beauty and they were pretty high.

“Follow me,” Sebastian said, pulling me out of my thoughts. The car had stopped and the driver had come to open the door.

Suddenly, panic filled me and I didn’t want to move, because I had no idea what he was planning.He said he wanted me to perform…

I watched him as he stepped out and dropped his phone in his breast pocket. He took two steps forward then looked over his shoulder. Our eyes met and he pulled his thick eyebrows together. “Are you fucking deaf? I said follow me.”

Resisting an eye roll, I grabbed my purse and got out. He didn’t need to be that fucking rude. I just wasn’t sure what he expected me to do in here and I was filled with apprehension. Was he such a beast that he couldn’t understand?

Well, yes, he was…

I sighed and did what he asked, my stomach roiling … a complete mess.

We were parked in front of a high-end club and I spotted a few of Sebastian’s bodyguards at the entrance. It was likely he owned the building, but suddenly that realization just made me more uneasy. A few bricks now cascaded down to my belly, mixing with the nausea.

At least it’s a club so maybe it’s fun in there—I lied to myself. My thoughts offered little comfort as we walked past a small crowd that was waiting to get inside.

Despite the decent music, good lighting, and expensive furniture, the room was strangely deserted except for three men at the bar area who were playing pool. The dance floor was empty and the staff were scrolling through their phones behind the counters. My mouth went dry as I scanned the space. The sight didn’t seem to trouble Sebastian at all.

We crossed the room and entered a brightly lit hallway which separated the private rooms whose occupants didn’t value privacy as most people would. Their doors were wide open and I kept my gaze ahead out of respect.

But that wasn’t the only peculiar thing about this section of the club. Noises filled the corridor. Well, not just noises but loud moans interchanged with wails. Seemingly, most of the customers didn’t come here to dance but rather, to have sex. I felt my face heat up as I kept my eyes focused on a random spot on the floor. I couldn’t believe Sebastian would bring me here without any kind of warning. Upon further thought though, after what had happened with the woman, Mia, I kind of believed it. The man had no shame, no boundaries.

As we walked past one room, I heard a woman asking her partner to the chain her to the bed. Curiosity got the better of me and I casually turned to look. A man and a woman were having sex on a plush, king-sized bed, while another couple watched. The woman’s hands were fastened to the bed in handcuffs and a red scarf was shoved in her mouth to muffle her cries.

In the next room, a woman was lying on a bench and a man aimed a whip at her body. Her bare ass was pink, a sharp contrast to her pale skin, which hinted this had been going on for a while. The whip landed on her butt and she screamed. The man hit her again and I quickly looked away, overcome with embarrassment. I had never had sex before, so all these scenes were foreign to me. Deep down, I hoped he wouldn’t ask me to do any of these things. I didn’t want to publicly reveal I was a virgin—not because I wanted to, but I was never seen as attractive by the opposite sex. It was embarrassing enough that I’d been never kissed before. My face flushed and I had to tamp down the shame of both being in a place like this and … being who I was.

Sebastian had stopped walking too and, judging from his stoic expression, he must have noticed me staring back. His eyes darkened, filling with both heat and anger. I blinked hard, uncomfortable but determined not to break eye contact. My heartbeat sped up as I realized that he must have brought me here because he was expecting me to do what these women were being subjected to. I didn’t want to believe he was the kind of man that would force me into sex with his clients, but the truth was, I didn’t know much about him except what he’d shown me—and that wouldn’t bide well for me. He’d shot my father on a yacht without any hesitation and now he had me by the throat. His slave to do with as he pleased. He just hadn’t acted on it so far—but that meant nothing. Maybe this was the time I’d have to prove I wanted to live.

But I swallowed, screaming inside. Did I want to live at all? I did my damnedest to stop emotion from showing on my face.

Anger and fear mixed inside me, but I remained impassive, my eyes burning with the effort.

Wasn’t it enough that he made me watch as he fucked prostitutes? Now he was bringing me to a sex club to ‘please’ the customers? I understood I had to pay him back somehow for hosting me, if one could call it that—even though I was sure whatever he spent on me barely made a difference to his bank balance. But couldn’t he find me a more decent job, say, waitressing? He owned the club, for God’s sake.

I wanted to slap myself at the thought. How could I be so naive as to think all this?

I should have figured this out earlier. Now I felt like a complete fool. It would be a while before I finished serving my ‘sentence’. In the Mafia world, death didn’t go unavenged. In my case, my own parents had caused the death of Sebastian’s wife and my selfish mother had offered me as compensation. I was at his mercy and he could impose any punishment he deemed fit, including making me work as an escort in his club. It would be better if he just killed me but we both knew death was easier. I didn’t think I could bring myself to work here.

“I have not… I’m…” I stuttered, too shocked to form a coherent sentence. I made gestures with my hand and Sebastian’s eyes followed my movements.

He tore his gaze from the woman that was now being fucked by some huge dude who’d been spanking her earlier on. “Don’t worry, teacup. I don’t expect you to do this tonight.”

I was suddenly so relieved, but again I didn’t let him see it. Besides, I still had no idea what he’d brought me in here for anyway. His words sent shivers down my spine—my trepidation no less intense. Because what he said felt like a promise.Not tonight.Sebastian may have spared me from the nightmare of fucking strangers right now, but it didn’t mean I would be so lucky next time. The day would come; I just didn’t know when.
