Page 23 of Taken By the King

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I sucked and licked his fingers, wondering if this was how sucking his cock would feel. He was hard, I could tell, and I didn’t even need to look down to figure this out. Then, he gripped my throat and squeezed it hard.

“Don’t be a fucking brat and don’t dare question my authority ever again. I can snap your neck with one swift movement. You’re mine, so get used to the fact that I’m going to be coming in here to punish you whenever I feel like it.”



Alone at last,I tied a towel around my head and limped to the bathroom. There, I looked at myself in the mirror before splashing water all over my face, while wondering what had got into Sebastian tonight.

I should have known he wouldn’t ignore me forever and at one point, things would get personal and he’d extract payment from me, one way or the other. The moment he turned me into Russina, the game had truly begun. But this? He was supposed to punish me and yet, he seemed much more interested in pleasing me. Fuck, I had never climaxed so hard in my life, but that didn’t seem enough. Sex had been a chimera so far for me but suddenly, I had this wild thought that I wanted him to take my virginity.

“Damn it, pull yourself together, woman! He’s a fucking mobster who owns your ass,” I reminded my pathetic self.

At least, he didn’t see my scars. I had no idea how he would have reacted if he discovered that I cut myself. I’d have been mortified—and even more terrified. He might sell me, kill me … or God knew what. My mother had never found out about this, either, but she was never much interested in what was going on with me. It was strange for me to think about her right then. I didn’t have a phone, but it still hurt that neither of my parents seemed to have tried to get a hold of me, even through Sebastian. Would he have told me if they did, though?

With a sigh, I switched on the shower. I was aching all over, mainly on the spot he hit, but for some reason, I found it to be a nice kind of ache, if such a thing even made sense. My head was spinning a little from all that excitement. Sebastian was an asshole—no argument there. He obviously enjoyed making me pay, having all the control, and calling me names. I had a feeling that he got off on pain, and on driving me insane.

Insignificant old me did get a rise out of him in some way…

I got into the shower and started washing off the strain of this day, finally able to finally relax and unwind. I didn’t think Sebastian wanted to see me again tonight and I truly hoped he wouldn’t demand that I be present when he had company over. Not that I cared, but knowing how much of an asshole he was, he would probably want me to see him fucking one of his girls.

I finally stepped out of the shower twenty minutes later, feeling slightly better. My ass hurt a little more now but I wanted get into bed. It was raining outside, so I listened to the sound of it beating over the glass for a bit. Then, I rolled over so I was lying on my tummy, but sleep wouldn’t come. Tossing led to pain and I was too restless to lie in the same position.

I stared at the ceiling, wondering what to do when I heard movement behind the door, then the clicking sound. I closed my eyes, hearing someone getting inside the room. Sebastian was the only person in the penthouse, but why would he be coming in here now? Unless...

Oh no, I hoped he wasn’t planning on punishing me again. I didn’t think I could take anymore smacking. I was so tired. Drained. Hurt.

I cautiously opened my eyes and noticed Sebastian’s silhouette in the darkness. It was dark but I’d recognize him anywhere. He was without his shirt and damn, the heat from his stare made the hair at the back of neck stand up.

He walked over to me and I stopped breathing, suddenly forgetting about the pain.

“Here are some painkillers, teacup. Take two,” he said, giving me a long and intense look. My mouth parted in disbelief. Sebastian Dimitrei had really showed up here to give me painkillers, to help me get back to sleep.

“Thank you. I was just going to get up to get some,” I said.

He put the pack on the nightstand table with a glass of water and then just stared at me for a long while without another word.

“Just fucking take it straight away. You need to look your best tomorrow,” he snapped, then turned and walked back to the door.

I pushed my head back, wondering what the hell was wrong with this guy. He went from hot to cold all the time. When he left, I picked up the pack of tablets and took two as he’d instructed, chasing them down with a little water.

I attempted to sleep again but there was too much going on in my mind. I was angry, frustrated, and surprised by this sudden act of kindness.

How was I going to survive rest of the year and forever if I couldn’t communicate with that bastard? The truth was that I didn’t really know him at all. We’d only spent a few weeks together—most of the time not even around each other—and I kept telling myself that I needed to give myself—and him—more time.

Sleep kept eluding me the harder I tried. Images of my dead brother flicked through my head. Eventually, I switched on the lamp and wedged my hand under the pillow to retrieve a razor blade. Sebastian was probably busy now with his escort. I was so lucky that he hadn’t seen any of my scars earlier, otherwise this would have been completely different story. For some reason, I felt like he wouldn’t approve of or understand this, even though he didn’t care about me, but this wasn’t his body. It was mine and I had to find some sort of relief. Folding the blade with the hem of my nightdress, I went to the bathroom and closed the door. That was the only place that didn’t have cameras and where I allowed myself to become vulnerable.

I parted my legs and poised the sharp edge of the razor against my left thigh, pressing just enough for the tiniest bit of blood to spout. Air breezed over the opening and I felt the sting. Tears surfaced to my eyes and I strained to contain my sobs. I let myself feel everything that had happened since the day I was captured and every cruel thing Sebastian had told me. Seconds later, exhilaration washed over me. I cleaned the blade and went back to bed.


I didn’t knowwhat got into me and why I decided to be civil with that girl. The painkillers should have helped since she was so delicate. I was pacing in my bedroom now, pushing all these ugly emotions away. My lips coiled and I released urgent breaths through gritted teeth.She will continue to defy you… She will be your undoing… Vinny was right…Shrieking, mad thoughts swarmed my mind.

In light of my status in the mafia world, my life was always at risk. In my quest for power and wealth, I had made many enemies and there was always someone plotting a vendetta against me. This meant that everywhere I went, I was accompanied by at least three bodyguards, some at my side and some scouting the area.

I chose my security team carefully. They all had to pass physical examinations, as well as background checks. But that was only step one. Their devotion and loyalty were key. I trusted most of them because they feared me. Penelope had been working for me for years. She was my maid. I thought about fucking her, but I didn’t want to mess my relationship with her. She was loyal and a very good cook, so I stayed away.

I sat at the edge of the bed and massaged my knuckles, thinking about Marinka’s wet pussy. I should have fucked her when I had a chance, but I felt like this wasn’t the right time. She was not ready and I wasn’t a fucking rapist. She needed to come to me willingly.
