Page 24 of Taken By the King

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Marinka enjoyed being spanked like a little girl. She was trying to hide it but I saw through her. The whip wasn’t supposed to just deliver pain but sexual frustration as well. She was dripping for me. I pressed my hand over my erection, trying to breathe in, remembering her moans.

Her cheeks were red and she was panting for me. She hated me because I shot her beloved father, but she was not so different from me after all. Admittedly, it had been fun watching her wrestle with her conscience.

In future, I was planning to introduce her to my darkness, the world where women got off while they were gagged or tied up. I could light an inferno between her legs and wait for it to cool before choking her or hitting her again. Denying her an orgasm was just as effective as the strikes.



Sitting on the bed,I pulled the bedside drawer open and shoved my hand in to grab a box of condoms. Tucking it in my pocket, I hurried to the living room. Shit, I’d almost forgotten about the escort I’d asked for earlier on. She was tall and blond, probably in her mid-twenties.

“Come with me,” I said.

She shot up from her seat and happily strode across the room, following me to the hallway. I stopped right outside my bedroom door and she pressed her back against it. The penthouse was empty, my guards were outside, and Marinka was probably already asleep. I didn’t really care if she was going to hear me or not. This pleasure was all about me.

“Take off your clothes,” I snapped.

She unbuttoned her trench coat and let it slide down her body to the hardwood floor. Eyes half open and tongue licking her full lips, she unclasped her lace bra and started massaging her breasts, staring at me with her wide, dark eyes. Her nipples were erect, pointing at my chest, and she flicked them with her fingers. The action elicited a moan from her and they swelled even more. Her upper body arched forward, while she teased me with her parted lips.

The elongated peaks brushed against me and I cursed under my breath, immediately turned on. I cupped her breasts, feeling how full and soft they were. Usually, foreplay didn’t go both ways with the women I paid to fuck. They would touch me and suck my dick and that was the end of it, but tonight, everything was backwards. Romance during sex was reserved for the women I was interested in and I’d hardly ever been interested in anyone. Love was a liability.

Marco usually sampled for me the best escorts from the agency. Their looks and experience came in handy and usually, after a few seconds, I was hard and ready.

But right then, inexplicably I couldn’t seem to get there yet. I wanted to empty my frustrations deep in the blonde’s pussy but my body had other thoughts. The desire in my loins was mild and I could feel my dick shrinking.

Fuck, this had something to do with the innocent Marinka. I loved the way she’d come apart all over my fingers and I hadn’t even buried myself in her sweet cunt yet.

Blocking away the voices in my head, I skimmed the curve of her body, admiring the valley of her waist and the long curve of her hip. She gripped the seam of her panties and lowered them, giving me access to the front of her sex. Her pussy was shaved bald except for a slender trail of curls that led to her clitoris.

I separated her moist folds and pinched the nub hard, as if attempting to tear it from her body. The pressure was not necessary but Blondie didn’t mind. She let out a sharp cry that turned into a wail when my fingers travelled lower and entered her slick pussy. I added another finger so they were three and pumped vigorously. Her walls were clamping me and a strong pulse pounded in her warm, drenched channel.

“Come for me,” I demanded as I fucked her even harder. This was going to be another first. I never allowed them to come from foreplay. I paid them to please me, not the other way round. And I didn’t know why I was even stimulating her, but I couldn’t fucking stop myself for some reason.

Her breathing got harsher and her mouth fell open, releasing a low moan. Sharp nails dug into my shoulder as she tightened around me, copious juices coating my fingers as her orgasm wracked her. Her body vibrated for a time and when she finally went still, she groaned. “That was so awesome, handsome. Want me to return the favor?”

She lowered her gaze to my midsection, which suffice it to say, was still in the same shrunken state. I thought that seeing her climax would awaken something in me but I was wrong. Maybe help was what I needed. Fuck, something was wrong and I needed to fix myself quickly.

“Show me what that mouth can do.” I smirked and withdrew my fingers.

Blondie’s eyes flashed with fresh desire and she started stroking me through my jeans. The caress caused my dick to throb and excitement slowly built in my balls.Finally.Encouraged by my response, she unzipped my pants and engulfed me in her grip then resumed the massage. Her motions were too slow so I palmed her hand, urging her to go faster. She complied, working me back and forth before crouching down and taking me in her mouth.

The tip touched the roof her mouth and she teased me with her heat. Her fingers were on my balls, fondling me as she drew me in all the way to her throat.

“Enough,” I growled, wanting to get this done and over with.

She released me and I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up. Rage springing to life, I rolled the condom along my shaft and forced her legs apart. I found her entrance and thrust as far as I could go, forcing her pussy to accommodate me. She came back to life and rocked against me, her nails pressing onto me again.

Teeth grinding, I wrapped her thighs around me and rammed into her. This way, it was deeper—but it wasn’t enough for the beast in me. It wanted to tear her to shreds so I kept going, almost touching her flat stomach. I didn’t stop even when she writhed against me, panting like an animal when waves of pleasure took her under. Not even when she came for the third time.

I plunged like someone possessed, hoping to deposit my madness deep inside her … but my orgasm was out of reach. The image of Marinka’s shiny wet face, coated with her essence, haunted me, and her cries filled my ears. No matter how hard and fast I went, she refused to leave. Then, all this was replaced by the image of my old man standing over me. I remembered that expression of disdain so well.

At last, I gave up, pausing to breathe. Blondie was saying something about this being her best sex ever. I opened my eyes and was instantly disgusted by her.

“Get the fuck out of here. Now.” I pulled out and caught her wince from the corner of my eye.

Rearranging my pants, I went back to my room. There, I deposited the condom in the trash bin and lay on the bed. What was wrong with me? The bitch had deserved the beating so why was she getting in the way of my pleasure? I was soft on her, yet I’d held on because I truly wanted to hurt her, inflict pain on her delicate body. Was I going crazy soft? No. I wasn’t weak and most importantly, I didn’t have a conscience.

Maybe she reminds you of more than the kid you were when you started selling drugs, another voice—a stronger male voice, which oddly sounded like my father’s—said.
