Page 29 of Taken By the King

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Sex had always been my distraction but Marinka wasn’t an escort. She had no experience in these sorts of things. She was cut from a different cloth and wasn’t like all these other women I fucked in my clubs. She was pure and completely clueless. She had to have tried sex before although there was nothing about any of her previous boyfriends in her file. That surprised me a little, but on the other hand, she was a bookworm. She didn’t like to party and she didn’t have many friends.

“Good, you can have another glass of wine in the library if you wish. Come. I need to show you something,” I told her.

She was lucky that she only earned herself one strike because I was looking forward to teasing her further. I wanted to break her, to see how far she would allow me to go. I knew one thing for sure: She needed to gain some confidence within herself if she wanted to play my wife.

I could tell she was apprehensive about what I wanted to show her, but I bit my tongue because I was ready to execute my punishment for that little back talk at the table in front of Penelope.

A loyal employee, Penelope had been working for me for years. She was fully aware what I’d not hesitate to do to her if she revealed any of my secrets.

We went to the library, Marinka walking behind me with her hands hidden in the selves of her hoodie. She had so many new clothes, but she still dressed in frumpy outfits. This needed to change, too.

When she finally got inside the library, I shut the door and inhaled sharply. I walked to my desk and switched on the lamp. Marinka looked around the room, her eyes cagy and a little scared. Penelope mentioned how she had been spending a lot of time in this room on her own.

I caught the scent of her citrusy perfume and my cock stirred in my trousers. That was the main reason why I avoided her. The whole penthouse smelled of her, including my bedroom, and I hadn’t even allowed her in there yet. I could smell her in the kitchen, in the guest room, and of course, my office.

However, tonight I knew I couldn’t continue to stay away from her for too long, because soon enough she was going to start to play a major role in my life. She needed to become influential, otherwise my business and connections were going to suffer. I had been stupid to think I could avoid this—or maybe I just didn’t want to deal with the worst part of this whole deal: training a novice.

When really, I should have embraced it. This is what I did. Turn the impossible into reality.

“Come here. I have some pictures of Russina I wanted to show you,” I said.

“Maybe we can do this another time, Sebastian. The wine got to my head and I am so sleepy. I really don’t feel well,” she said.

I’d noticed her flushed cheeks but thought it was because of me being hard on her earlier.

“We are doing this now, so fucking get over here,” I repeated, annoyed that she was still defying me. Maybe she liked the punishment so much, she was hoping I would try again. Maybe she was into all that BDSM shit and all this time she was trying to mislead me into believing she was this mousy little Marinka.

That thought was so tantalizing…

I turned around to face her, but she didn’t budge.

“I am not going to repeat myself for the third time, teacup,” I snapped, feeling horny and secretly hoping that she would continue to just stand there until I lost my temper. She wanted to be fucking punished. I could sense she liked playing this game with me. Fuck, I wanted to tie her up to the bed and play with her pussy until she would beg me to finish her off. But not yet...

“I don’t fucking care about your strikes, Sebastian. I normally don’t even drink wine as I get drunk so easily. This is all your fault!” she cried, throwing her hands up in a fit. I caressed my jaw, watching her flushed face and realizing she was indeed telling the truth. How did I not notice this before?

I didn’t remember her drinking in the club and her paperwork didn’t say she wasn’t supposed to be drinking. Fuck, I had screwed her up by not paying attention.

Still, she was kind of amusing.

“Just come here and sit on my desk,” I said in a much softer tone. I’d never met a woman who couldn’t handle a small glass of wine or two.

She shook her head and then giggled. Fuck, my cock was rock hard. Marinka drove me out of my mind when she was acted so innocent and uncorrupted. And I wanted her.

“What if I won’t? What are you going to do? Spank me like I am a little girl and you’re my daddy?” she asked when I slowly walked to her.


I should not be enjoying the sound of that so much. Keeping my cool was of the essence right now.

But I kept on … sliding in the lion’s den. Smelling her scent. When I was close enough to her, I placed both of my hands on the door, so she was no trapped. Unable to escape, she shuddered and gaped at me.

I stared down at her lush lips and wondered if she would enjoy sucking my cock or if she was any good at it. Everyone said there was a thin line between love and hate, but right in that moment, all I could think of was how she would screamDaddywhen I delivered my next punishment.

“No, my dear teacup. I’m not going to punish you right now, only because you want it,” I said, smiling and letting my breaths caress her face as her eyes followed mine. “And besides, I need you to be fully aware of what I am doing to you, which means you have to be sober.”

She started breathing hard then, staring into my eyes with a mixture of fear and resentment. Then, she started poking me in the chest, swaying from one side to the other.

“Oh, no … no, no, no, mister. You’re going to punish me now because I have been a very naughty girl,” she slurred.
