Page 30 of Taken By the King

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Her touch sent fire blazing through my groin. I decided to take a few steps back from her and then, to my utter surprise, she turned around, pulled her sweatpants off, and leaned towards the wall. She wore lace thong, which put her heart-shaped ass on display.

Jesus. I didn’t think I could just stand there and pretend I didn’t want to eat that pussy.

My palm was itching to slap her, but this girl was wasted. She had no idea what she was asking me. Alcohol made her brave and I didn’t want to do anything to her while she was intoxicated.

For several long and agonizing seconds, we stared at each other, but then she shifted and my gaze was pulled downward. Something caught my eyes on her thighs.

“Why are you not doing anything to me, you big, bad gangster?” she demanded, raising her hands above her head.

But I was too focused on the long, slender welts on her skin to pay attention to any of her theatrics.

“What the hell is that on your legs?” I asked. I kneeled down and grabbed her left thigh. My hand fitted around it and her flesh was so soft, like silk. Her pants pooled around her ankles, so she couldn’t really move.

These were cutting scars—a lot of them on both fucking legs. Some were old and others fresh. I glanced up at her, both confused and angry. She met my eyes, then trailed her gaze to the leg I was holding.

Her eyes went wide with panic.

“Nothing. Get the fuck away from me. It’s nothing.” She tried to pull away from me, but I was having none of it. My grip was like steel and at that point, I was too furious to care that I was hurting her.

“This is not fucking nothing, teacup. These are cutting marks,” I said as calmly as I could muster, my jaw clenching painfully. She couldn’t fool me; she’d hurt herself. No one else had done this to her.

She was a cutter. A few girls in my club had similar scars, so I knew what I was dealing with.

“Why the fuck would you do this to yourself? I thought you had brain behind that skull of yours.” A huge pressure settled on my chest and I saw red.

She stared at me, her lower lips trembling, and then a few tears slipped through her cheeks. Obviously, she’d intended to always hide these from me. If she hadn’t pulled her pants down now in a drunken state, I would never have noticed.

At the club, I’d only seen her from behind, positioned as she’d been on all fours.

I’d never seen her body—fully bare, naked.

I waited for her to answer me, to explain why she would do something so fucking stupid and unnecessary. If she got off on the pain, then maybe I would understand—but no. That wasn’t it. None of these scars represented sexual frustration.

I finally let go of her thigh and rose on my feet. She looked overwhelmed and probably sobered up really quickly at this point, too, because her eyes brimmed with fear.

“Answer me, or I swear to God I am going to spank you so hard, you won’t sit down for weeks,” I snarled, spraying her with my spit.

She couldn’t have been that weak, that senseless, to do this to herself. To cut her skin for what? I didn’t think I could ever comprehend it.

“This helps with everything. Sometimes life just gets overbearing,” she whispered, and I punched the fucking wall.

She yelped when a few bits of drywall fell to the floor. I couldn’t feel my fist, now numb with pain, but I didn’t fucking care. I was fuming.

“So, you cut yourself? You inflict pain and that supposedly helps. Is that what are you trying to tell me?” I demanded, breathing hard. I thought I could break her, make her submit to me, but it seemed she was already broken. I should have suspected she had other issues.

She nodded silently, still staring at me. Into me.

She didn’t even have the decency to look away in shame.

“How long have you been doing this to yourself?” I asked.

“Since my brother killed himself,” she replied.

At least, she wasn’t lying to me now.

“Well, this is the last time you have ever cut yourself like that. Do you understand me?” I asked, and then took another long, deep breath. “And if you won’t obey then you’re going to be stuck with me forever and I will punish you every day. Then I will sell you again, to someone else, to another mobster who won’t be as lenient as I am, and he will do things to you that you can’t even imagine. Horrible things.”

Her lower lip stopped trembling and shock filled her eyes.
