Page 6 of Taken By the King

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They killed his wife.

They sold me off…

I wanted to break free from the chains of my life, yet at the moment the only way to liberate myself from my current situation was to take my mind to a different place—one where only bliss existed. No guns, no horror, no betrayal.

My lace panties were soaked and my sex was throbbing with the need of release. The first two weeks here, I was just numb. Questioning ever second, every tiny decision.

Now, I was tired. So tired…

Probably a little crazy, too.

Angry at every-fucking-body.

I’d avoided the beast that helped me captive yet thoughts of him never left my head. A man that cruel had no business being so handsome, so … perfect. He had no right to haunt my thoughts and dreams.

Just now, I’d woken up from a short nap, remembering all my vivid dreams in detail. Aroused as I was, I grappled with my feelings.

I didn’t want to explain any of this or understand what was going on. If I did, I might have to admit just how messed up I was.

All I wanted was to feel something that wasn’t dread, horror, resentment, or pain.

The nightmare was real. Every bit of it… He’d taken that woman without shame. Without any sort of inhibition. He’d taunted me, relentlessly, for days. What kind of animal was he?

My mind kept playing the images he conjured over and over. Since that time on the water, he kept torturing me. Forcing me to be intrigued by him when I should loathe him.

Now I was back on land. In the city, his territory.

Last night, I must have fallen asleep when he finally allowed me to go back to my room.

My skin heated and my heartbeat quickened. I dragged my hand through my sweaty hair, trying to distract myself from my emotions.

I wrapped my silky robe around me, the only clothing covering my body, and looked around.

I knew I was alone in his penthouse. He’d left earlier, it seemed. As though nothing had happened yesterday. As though he hadn’t fucked that prostitute right in front of me. In front of his thugs.

A small wave of jealousy nipped at me, sneaking in out of nowhere, which irritated and confused me all the more. This was insanity. In a short time, he made it so I couldn’t think like a normal person any longer. I’d tried staying in my room, being by myself so I wouldn’t have to cross paths with him in his own home.

I’d tried to forget what had happened. I’d tried to stop thinking how beautiful and heartless he was. Wondering who he was, really. How he got to be this way.

I had to stop thinking about Sebastian as a man. He was a monster, determined to haunt my every dream and waking moment until I gave myself to him entirely. Until I submitted. He’d about said it, and according to him, he was always a man of his word, at least. The one thing I wish he wasn’t…

For Sebastian Dimitrei was a cold, calculating man, incapable of experiencing any kind of emotion, except a desire to control.

I walked back to the living room, hoping to get some water, but then had to sit down on the sofa to calm my erratic breathing.

He was probably watching me remotely through the cameras installed around the penthouse. No matter where he went, how far he traveled, his eyes were on me.

I had no idea why he was even interested in what I did. I was already trapped in here, paying for my father’s sins. The exchange had been made, and I knew what my obligations were in this clusterfuck of a situation. I’d impersonate this Russina, his dead wife, who’d been someone important. Indispensable. Unlike little old me.

What else did he want?

I finally forced myself to my feet and grabbed a glass of ice water, taking small sips as my nerves calmed. Time passed much slower than normal and nobody came to ask if I needed anything. Had they forgotten about me? What was I to do? My stomach growled, so I grabbed an apple from a bowl, yet, after two bites, I found myself unable to eat anymore and I set it down.

With a sigh, I sat down on the couch and switched on the TV. Nothing appealed to me. I switched it back off.

His place was enormous and I was so fucking bored. He had a huge selection of books, but I didn’t think I could concentrate enough to read anything.

All I had was my jumbled-up thoughts.
