Page 60 of Taken By the King

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The last bit was definitely true. Over the past few months, I’d learned that powerful people needed to know there was someone behind them who had their backs. Everyone was scared of the Russians, but Sebastian had vetted them all as much as he was able to and yes, there were always risks, as in any mafia business deal. After all, this whole world was filled with danger. Everything here new to me, but now I was Russina. A woman who controlled everything and everyone in this family. This was what I was here for, and I needed to live up to it.

I figured I may be naïve in some things, but never unaware of my surroundings. Right here, right now, I was making my mark.

Sparky grunted, then continued to stared at me for a long while, as though wondering if I’d suddenly shout out it was all a prank and he was on candid camera. Soon though, he had to realize how serious I was. The tension could be cut with a knife. All the women seemed apprehensive, giving off the impression they wanted me to change the subject.

“This will change everything and will give us enough power on the streets and everywhere else. From the bottom all the way to the top. We’ll rule the roost. Isn’t that what we want?” Sebastian added.

“They are fucking Russian. I don’t like this. I don’t fucking like it at all,” Sparky snapped, and then pointed at me. “But fuck, if you’re telling us that this is better, then I suppose we could consider it.”

I smiled then and glanced at Sebastian, feeling suddenly very proud of myself. At least this wasn’t a no. I had a feeling if I worked on Sparky for a bit longer, I could convince him. After all, I was from Russia myself, and he had already warmed up to me. Well … Russina.

Sebastian’s eyes met mine and his lips curved. I squeezed my legs together when sparks of electricity traveled through my whole body. I was Russina, I was confident and strong, and my husband wanted me. In this moment, I forgot about my mother, my lost brother, and the fact I had been handed over like a cheap commodity to the man who sat next to me.

“So, can we all agree that Sebastian and I should pursue this?” I asked at last, shifting my gaze to Milo. He was the oldest member of this family and everyone always ran all the important decisions by him.

“You should, but what about the Italians? There will be a war if we cut them off. Gino is not going to let this go, Sebastian,” Milo stated.

He was right, but we all needed to let Sebastian deal with it. I knew that his latest “accident” in the restaurant had something to do with this whole new deal with the Russians.

“I have silenced Gino once and I can do it again. Besides, once he realizes we made a deal with Russians, and we have a formidable ally in them, he will back away. The last thing he’ll want to do is start something withthem. Trust me on this,” Sebastian stated, steepling his fingers together. He was calm, probably still in some pain, but he seemed satisfied with how this evening was progressing so far.

We continued to discuss all the options during dinner and once we finished, the men went to have a drink in Milo’s office. I had to stay away. I learned that they normally invited me over there so we could all talk business, but this time Sebastian had this all under control and didn’t need me.

“I’m shocked that you managed to pull something like that with my dear husband, but Sparky has always admired you. If Milo saw that Sparky was happy with this new deal, he was going to agree to it,” Roxanna said when we were all having prosecco by the fireplace.

I really needed to be careful with the drink, but apparently Russina was a heavy drinker. She never refused any alcohol and liked being the center of attention at all the parties. I managed to sneak to the toilet one time and dump my drink there. Another time I set my glass down in a random spot. So far, no one seemed to have noticed I wasn’t drinking much.

After we’d been chatting a while, I caught Roxanna staring ahead and followed her gaze. Sparky was standing by the kitchen, his attention on me. I winked at him, offering a teasing smile before he walked away.

The women were chatting about Anita’s latest house renovation project by then. I kept glancing at the clock. Slowly, the evening was coming to the end and I was looking forward to returning to the penthouse. My feet were killing me and despite my attempts to discard my drinks, I was a little tipsy.

“We are leaving in five minutes. I will meet you in the car. I just need to have a word with Milo alone first,” Sebastian told me when I left the bathroom one last time. He must have seen that I’d had enough or maybe I was struggling with these high heels. Luckily, by that time, the ladies were too drunk to notice anything.

He squeezed my hand and looked me in the eyes so intensely, I thought my knees were going to give in.

“All right,” I agreed.

I managed to quickly say my goodbyes to everyone, apart from Sparky. I couldn’t seem to find him anywhere so I wondered how he’d left without speaking to me first. My heart was thumping inside my chest when I walked to the car. It was just on the drive, but there was no sign of Pedro anywhere close, so I assumed he must have gone away for a smoke. This was a safe, exclusive neighborhood.

“Hello love, you have been driving me fucking crazy all night, wearing that dress,” a familiar voice said and then a pair of hands snaked around my waist while breaths laden with heavy liquor hit my neck. I tried to turn around, but whoever this was held me tight, pressing himself to me.

“Sparky?” I asked, feeling suddenly nauseous. This wasn’t happening. “Get the fuck away from me. If Sebastian sees you, then you’re fucking dead.”

But instead of retreating, he roughly turned me around and started kissing me. He might have been drunk, but he was strong. I couldn’t push him off me if I tried.

“Fuck my brother. He doesn’t give a damn that we are fucking and I have missed you. Come see me tonight. I’m horny as fuck,” he growled, palming my breasts. I panicked then as my pulse started drumming in my ears.

He was probably toying with me. I didn’t want to believe that he and Russina had been having an affair behind Sebastian’s back. Sebastian would know straight away, wouldn’t he?

I wished I had more time to prepare, although I wasn’t sure how that could have been possible. That bastard caught me completely off guard.

“All right,” I finally said. “I’ll come later. Just let me go now. We don’t need any drama.” My insides roiled as I spoke.

Finally, he relaxed his grip, so I pushed him away from me as hard as I could. He lost his balance and fell on his behind on the grass. Taking advantage of his surprise, I quickly got in the car and locked the door, hoping no one had seen a thing.


