Page 61 of Taken By the King

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Sparky got wastedand now he was lying on the lawn outside my brother’s house, looking pretty unconscious. Pathetic. I just shook my head and moved past him, for I was really looking forward to going home with my wife.

“I’ll let you deal with him,” I said to Milo.

He stared at Sparky who was mumbling nonsensical things, while I got in my vehicle and gave a sign to Pedro to start the car. Marinka had performed exceptionally well and I was certain we had this deal in our pocket. At this point, I knew that sooner or later, I would need to speak to Marcus in Marinka’s presence.

“Everything okay?” I asked her when the car started finally moving. She gave me a weak smile and nodded, her face a little pale.

“Yes. I thought it went well. No one was suspecting anything.” she said.

“Hmmm, it went better than I expected.” I put my arm around her as this time I was sitting next to her on the back seat. My muscles were stiff and pain was always present, but other than that, I was feeling positive. It would probably take several more weeks before I felt like my real self again. Marinka had taken care of me well. She had done everything I asked and remained loyal to me, surprising me in every way.

Now came the time when I was pushed to my limits. This girl was nice. She’d changed, but she still belonged to me and I finally wanted to fucking claim her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her all evening. She was killing me in that dress and I noticed that Sparky too couldn’t stop staring. That bastard had to realize she was mine. He’d probably fucked Russina and at the time, I didn’t care. But now I dared him to touch Marinka. Things wouldn’t end well for him.

She hadn’t seemed to care earlier when I mentioned being into kinky stuff, but the truth was, it had been a long time since I’d fucked someone in the room of pain. My urges were twisted and disturbing. Most women weren’t into that shit, but when I was in control, the past didn’t matter. My father had been a small man then and those toxic memories had faded in my mind.

I would bet Marinka wasn’t ready for any kind of darkness. I hadn’t fucking done this vanilla shit with anyone before, but I was willing to try it with her.

I wanted to hurt women badly. Russina was always ready to try anything, but she didn’t particularly enjoy our sessions. Besides, we were business partners. Sex was just an added bonus.

None of us spoke all the way home, but I was getting hard thinking about her body pressed to mine, hearing in my mind her loud moans when she was coming for me.

“Take the night off, Pedro,” I said to my man after Marinka went inside the penthouse. I needed to have her tonight in my bed and I didn’t want Pedro to accidentally hear her.

I wanted to believe that I was safe in the penthouse. No one could get inside without a code and I had other men on standby. Pedro nodded and then walked over to the lift.

Moments later, I shut the door, then locked it so no one would disturb us.

I was aroused, horny, but I kept reminding myself that Marinka was inexperienced and still very young. Yet, she wanted me and wouldn’t say no. I’d taken her as payment for her father’s mistake and made her play my wife without any kind of preparation, then punished her when she didn’t perform as I’d asked. I wasn’t proud of myself for doing all of this to her and now, I was looking forward to spoiling her.

I walked to the living room and saw her standing there, staring at the night sky. My cock twitched.

I went to the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of fine champagne. Although she didn’t drink much, we had to celebrate tonight before I took her to my bedroom. I opened it and she turned around, regarding me with her usual curiosity.

“What that’s for?” she asked.

“We are celebrating, princess. You have done well and I’m very proud of you,” I said because this was the truth.

Her mother had sold her to me as this fragile, immature girl with low self-esteem and I watched her grow and change. Every day, she was becoming more and more like Russina. She was never going to be as arrogant and assertive as my ex-wife, but she was strong enough to know what she wanted.

She smiled and walked up to me, without her heels. She was barefoot now and I didn’t even know why I found that sexy. I poured some champagne into her glass and handed it to her. Then, I took off my tie and jacket. The temperature in my body soared as her scent surrounded me.

“Are you going to proceed with the new deal?” she asked, sipping some of the champagne I handed her. Her nipples were hard, I could see through the dress, and I thought if I didn’t drag her to the bedroom then, I’d completely lose my mind.

“Yes, thanks to you. You were magnificent at the dinner. I’m going to call Marcus in the morning. This is very exciting and I’m glad I have such an intelligent wife,” I said, being honest.

“Good that I was useful for once,” she said.

“Stop putting yourself down. It’s an order,” I scolded gently.

“Hmm-mmm…” She stared at me, wide-eyed, while biting on her bottom lip.

Fuck, I didn’t think I could do this, just be gentle with her. I placed my glass on the table and started rolling the sleeves of my shirt. I was fucking hard and I couldn’t wait. I had to have her. This way I could push her incredible scent out of my system.

“What are you doing?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

“I’m getting myself ready,” I replied, keeping my voice law.

“Getting ready for what?”
