Page 71 of Taken By the King

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I didn’t know much about BDSM, but now I had a laptop and I was alone, so I could do some research on the subject. I wanted to figure out what Sebastian was into. These were very early days, but I really wanted to please him in the bedroom.

I opened the laptop and then typed a few phrases into Google. A lot of search results came back, so over the next half an hour I submerged myself into reading as much as I could. The material was quite interesting. I stumbled upon some disturbing yet intriguing images of a couple engaged in consensual acts in what they called the room of pain.

I lifted my arms above my head and stretched. My stomach rumbled and I realized around forty-five minutes later that I hadn’t eaten lunch.

Sebastianand I had been so busy fucking earlier that we’d both forgotten to have food. I had some strawberries in the kitchen, but now I was hungry for both food and sex.

Sebastian liked inflicting pain on women. I understood that now and he insisted that I wasn’t ready, but he’d obviously gotten off on almost choking me.

Some of the things I read were truly distressing and I didn’t know if I could ever try any of it, but there were also so many toys people used on each other. The cuffs, restraints, spankers, and nipple clamps. It seemed I’d been living under a rock all this time because I had no idea these things even existed before I was sold to Sebastian.

After another twenty minutes, I decided to ask Andreas to get me some food, but when I opened the door, there was no one outside. Then I remembered Sebastian saying that he was waiting for me at the bar, so I decided to head there.

“Hey girl, are you lost?” someone asked when I went up and down the stairs, wondering if I was going in the right direction. I turned around, seeing a woman wearing very skimpy outfit carrying a tray laden with drinks. She was bleach blonde, with big boobs and a lot of make up on her face.

“Well, I’m hungry. Maybe you can point me in the direction of the kitchen,” I said.

“Sure, just order at the bar, but I’m not certain if they are even serving any food right now. It’s still really early.”

“Oh,” I managed to say. She tilted her head to the side, looking me up and down.

“Are you with Sebastian?” she asked all of a sudden.

“Yes. He asked me to wait in his office because he was at the meeting, but I am so hungry. Do you know if he’s going to be long?”

She gave me a mysterious smirk was as though eager to share something with me.

“Oh, he shouldn’t be long now. I just saw a tall brunette walking in there, you know, probably to entertain him a bit,” she said, tossing her hair behind her. She giggled a little, then carried on walking.

As I finally processed what she’d said, I felt the color draining from my face. No, Sebastian wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, apart from me. Well, technically he did in the past, but he was loyal to me now. We were husband and wife.

I watched until the woman vanished around the corner. Unease filled my stomach. I didn’t want to believe he would do such a thing to me after what happened between us earlier on.

My heart started beating faster as I wondered what I was supposed to do next. Obviously, this girl worked here and if Sebastian asked for some brunette, then he must have finished his meeting with Marcus earlier than he’d planned.

I knew where his other office was, so I started walking in that direction, wondering why he didn’t come to see me straight after the meeting. His club was big and I got lost a few times before I found myself in familiar surroundings. I finally recognized the corridor and the door where Vinny wanted me to dance for him. The door was ajar and there was no sign of any bodyguard around. Where was Pedro? He wouldn’t leave Sebastian alone.

I crept closer and peered inside the room. Sebastian was behind his desk and yes, there was a woman bent over in front of him. She had brown hair and very long legs. Her pink dress barely covered her enormous ass.

“Take this. That should be enough for everything you have done today,” Sebastian said to her.

Then I saw a bunch of money exchanging hands from him to her—thousands at least. She took the stack, grinning. My throat went dry when she leaned closer as though about to kiss him. My blood boiled with rage.

“I can do a lot more, you know that,” she purred.

I felt sick. I needed to get the fuck out of there and get some air. My head started spinning as I strolled away from his office. He must have just fucked her—that was why he was handing her so much money. I was so stupid. Why did I think there was something between us? I was never going to be like any of these girls. I was a fucked up and damaged girl who he pitied—nothing else, except the sex. Well, he probably didn’t even enjoy fucking me because I was so pathetic in bed.

My heart was racing as I got downstairs. I had to get out of there, otherwise I would scream.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” a waiter asked me. He was fair-haired and the look on his face told me I looked a fright. This boy couldn’t have been much older than me.

“I need some air,” I whispered, thinking I was going to have a panic attack if I stayed here. My chest cracked open and I felt myself falling.

When he pointed to some door in the distance, I started to ran.


The meeting went really welland now I was heading over to my office to see my wife. I needed to fucking kiss her. Marcus was pleased with the corrections to the contract and was looking forward to meeting my brothers. I couldn’t believe I’d managed to pull this whole thing off. I wouldn’t have done it without Marinka.
