Page 73 of Taken By the King

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Five minutes later, I got the text with the location and Pedro drove straight there.

She should have known that I never wanted to fuck anyone else. Marinka was the only one for me.

Pedro sped through the streets as I sat in the front seat, sweating like a pig. Marinka didn’t have any money or phone, so she must have walked to the graveyard. Luckily for her, the cemetery in question wasn’t far away.

Pedro parked the car in front of the gate and I flew out in search of her.

The cemetery was huge and her brother’s grave wasn’t going to be so easy to find.

I started walking, telling myself to be patient. I hated the sight of death, hated being surrounded by gravestones, old flowers, and rotten corpses. I spotted her red dress in the distance.

My heart skipped a beat, then raced triple time when I realized she wasn’t alone. A man wearing a white shirt and khaki trousers was speaking to her, but she didn’t want to listen to him. She was trying to walk away.

He called after her, but I was too far to hear, and she in turn couldn’t fucking hear me.

“Marinka!” I roared over and over, and then started running, not knowing why this other guy was following her now. Fear gripped me and for a second, I couldn’t fucking catch my breath.

Then, farther down, I noticed a car pulling out and getting to a few feet of distance from her. The window rolled down and then, the whole world stopped, for I recognized the driver—one of Gino’s men.

The last thing I saw and heard was a shot being fired. Then, I was running towards Marinka, shouting her name … but it was too late.

I yelled out curses, screamed, willed everything to stop, to no avail.

She collapsed to the ground, holding her chest, and the world ended.

The darkness swallowed me in.
