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If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that the Gods are punishing me.

And I can’t deny that after some of the bad thoughts I’ve been having about her, I’m not sure I don’t entirely deserve it.

* * *

I contemplate driving straight to the nuthouse when I’m done in my own abode, which usually gives me all the peace and sanctity I need in this life. Somehow, that now seems as if that’s all been shattered.

Thanks to one little Russian pain in my ass.

I keep telling myself that it’s temporary and she’ll be gone in a few days. Surely I can endure two freaking days of insanity? So, instead of checking myself into an asylum, I drive downtown to check on the casino. I haven’t been there in days.

I call Helena while I’m driving to check-in.

The first thing she says is, “It was Georgie.”

Perplexed, I scratch my chin. “What was Georgie?”

I haven't gone into full panic mode yet, but this doesn’t sound good. What the fuck has Georgie done now? She may be Helena’s assistant and still a little wet behind the ears, but she hasn’t been given any essential shit to fuck up yet.

Of course, we keep in daily contact via text message and email. She knows I like to be kept in the loop at all times, so I’m at a loss as to what could’ve happened since I texted her this morning to say I’ll be in later.

“The clothes,” she tells me. “When I got the itemized receipt, I just about had a heart attack.”

“Money is no object, Helena,” I remind her.

“Oh, not that, Marco. I meant the items she bought…she thought they were for your…uh…a lady friend…of a different nature.”

Silence hangs between us for a few moments.

It’s not like Helena to be tongue-tied.

Now my mind flashes to Katiya in that see-through black set, and I want to slam my head into the steering wheel. I’ve spent about the last half an hour doing my best to not picture that vision.

“In the future, you will do my shopping. If it’s alady friendof a different nature, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“Yes, of course,” she says, recovering quickly. “I will see to it myself. How was your weekend?”

For fucks sake.

The one thing I like about Helena, is that she’s upfront but always serious when it comes to business. She’s seen and heard the worst of me over the time she’s been here.

Helena is probably old enough to be my mom, but she’s been with me forever, loyal as they come, and the most organized person I’ve ever come across in my life. She runs a tight ship around my office, and the yearly Christmas bonus keeps her from being poached by other headhunters.

It’s nice to know that if I’m away for any period of time, things are still getting done and she’s got her A-game on. Except delegating menial tasks, it seems.

“I wouldn’t have a clue where to start,” I sigh wearily.

“That good?” she says as I turn onto the freeway into the city. “You could try my idea of switching your phone off for a few hours, that always works for me.”

It’s also the day of reckoning for some, but I don’t tell her that. “I can just imagine my Ma sending out a search party,” I muse, knowing it to be true. “Anyway, is there anything I need to know before I get to the casino?”

“Yes, actually … It's not good news, Marco. We have a serious delay in the signage being hauled in from New York. It was supposed to be here this morning … there was some problem with the delivery truck.”

I run a hand through my hair …. excellent, no delivery truck and no signage. Fucking perfect. “Anything else?”Please say no.

“We were issued a warning from the city council for construction workers urinating in public at the side of the casino rather than using the lavatories provided.”

Fucking brilliant!“That’s just perfect, Helena. Is there any good news?” I try not to swear my ass off like a sailor around her, but she is used to me after years in my employ. She takes it on the chin.
