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“Umm …”

Great, she has to really think about it. Fuck Mondays.

“Actually, hold that thought. My temper is already brewing. Those construction idiots better not be there when I arrive, that’s all I can say, or one of them may go sky diving off the roof without a parachute.”

“Next time, it’s a fifty thousand dollar fine,” she informs me.

There’s no way in hell I’ll be paying that. “I’ll have Jonas deal with them.” I grip the steering wheel harder. “In fact, on second thought, maybe they should be there when I roll in. A threat of ruining their reputation and taking future deals off the company might just be the ticket I need to pull them in line.”Fucking cowboys.

“Probably wouldn’t hurt.”

“You would think people would know better about indecent exposure… anyway… I’ll see you later, Helena. I’m hitting the afternoon traffic.”

“Will do. Georgie will be there to give you a full rundown. I’ll be chasing down all this signage madness, among other things. Text me if you need anything, Marco.”

“You’re a doll,” I tell her before hanging up.

My life would be a lot more of a headache and a lot less pleasant without my trusty assistant. I don’t know how Angelo doesn’t have one. He just relies on his driver Gus, who I suspect was some kind of former spy in his heyday. He seems to be the jack of all trades and is always seen but not heard.

My life is always chaotic, which is why I choose to live like a recluse. My personal time is mine, as is my home, which is precisely why I’m still pissed at Angelo.

I cast my mind back to the look on Katiya’s face when I pulled up to the castle. It gave me a little bit of satisfaction seeing her in awe.

Caging her against the wall wasn’t a good idea, and my cock still hasn’t come down. I need to get laid soon. I’m all work and no play lately, and that won’t do.

For Christ’s sake, get a grip!

I think it’s because she’s in my house, alone, that’s got me rattled.

I can’t be thinking this shit when it comes to her. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but two days will pass like a breeze if I throw myself into work. If Angelo hasn’t made up his mind by then on what to do, he can have her at his place.

I just wish I could stop thinking about her taunts on stripper poles and mirrors on the ceiling…

I’m sure she finds me fucking attractive, under all that hostility. I saw her lick her lips as well as check me out more than once, and her body reacted to mine. Her chest hitched when I backed her into the wall, and her feeble attempts to push me off weren’t lost on me.

I shake my head.No!

I will deny my attraction to her until I’m blue in the face. Thanks to this morning's effort, my balls certainly aren’t blue, and okay, she played a minor part in that fantasy …. but I never professed to have it all figured out.

I actually pity the guy that tries to tame her. Good luck with that. She’d be the boil the bunny in the pot kinda girl.

When I take the exit around the harbor and pull up at the casino, my mood sours even more when I see what Helena is talking about. There is no sign whatsoever stating the casino’s goddamned name.

The Royale signage is supposed to well and truly be on top of the twenty-seven-floor adjoining hotel at the very least. But upon further inspection, I see the hard-to-miss copper-colored structure, visible from the I-93, with over six hundred rooms, has fallen short of any title.

It makes me mad, considering the signage is costing a million dollars, and they can’t get a fucking truck from New York to Boston. I sometimes wonder why I pay these people the amount I do and, more importantly, whose head will roll for this.

Of course, I can’t show any of this stress and inner turmoil for our opening night with Angelo. He expects me to be my usual calm self and not explode like I have been doing more recently.

He’s handed this baby right to me, and I can’t drop the balls I’ve been juggling for the better part of three years getting all this off the ground.

The hotel has always been there. We acquired it some time ago, but it has also been in full renovation from the get-go. The casino part, which adjoins, we built from scratch.

There will be rooms and suites for all budgets but mainly for the high rollers. Let’s face it, realistically, it starts from extravagant and then works its way up. From harbor views to two-bedroom residences, we have it all. Six rooms overlook the main gambling floor.

I will also have a suite in the Penthouse with an office, separate from the one downstairs.

There are several dining options, from a steakhouse to classic Italian, Asian, and seafood.
