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“Mom knows what she’s doing.”

“If I’d seen pictures before today, I probably wouldn’t have fought it so much.”

“Don’t blow it. Don’t flirt with the waitresses.”

“You’re a funny guy.”

“Yeah, my next show is at eight pm.”

“Don’t wait up.”

“I know better.”

I was happy Asher was happy, as girlie as that sounded. I didn’t know how Mom did it, but she did it. Sounded like this girl was perfect for him. My stomach growled, reminding me I was starving. I’d forgotten to get something to eat before I ran out of the diner. It was time to think about my next move. I pulled my cell out and sent Poppy a text.

“Can you do me a favor and round up an assistant? Kellan must have some he likes here.”

“Sure, He does have a few. Will you be traveling or staying for a few days?”

“I’m off to Paris tomorrow night and China from there. I’ll fly the assistant back because I’ll be heading home from there.”

“Are you coming to meet Imogen tonight?”

“No need, sounds like Asher is already in love.”

“Lust is more like it. She is a pretty girl.”

“Perfect. Crisis averted, I can get back to running this design company.”

“I heard you went to the diner.”

“I didn’t get a chance to eat. I met your Mr. Carp.”

“He’s great. The food is too. You should order food from the diner and I’ll send Gunner to get it.”

“Great idea, but don’t send Gunner. You must have someone else to send.”

“Why not Gunner?”

“That kind of job seems beneath a man that was special ops.”

“I would never give him a menial task. He’s amazing. He was just going out to check someone out for me.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“It is a little bit, but he’s the man for the job.”

“He asked me earlier if I needed someone killed.”

“Crickey, did you laugh?”

“No way! He could hurt me in more ways than I can name.”

“True. Be afraid. Be very afraid.”

“LOL, I don’t plan on giving him a reason to have a problem with me. I can’t say the same for Asher though.”

“Just so you know, Asher showed up to meet her having had a bit too much plank.”
