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“That explains why he was being so over the top. Anything else?”

“Nope. Gunner just left to go check out that someone for me. I’ll call Mr. Carp and order food for you. What do you want?”

“Anything with beef and side vegetables. Oh, dessert too.”

“The apple pie is delicious.”

“That works. This “someone” Gunner’s going to check out. You didn’t say anything about killing, did you?”

Chapter 17


“No, I didn’t bring flowers. I’m sorry, I should have.” Flower guy stood, but never moved from that spot. “What kind of flowers do you like?”

“I don’t need flowers, that wasn’t what I meant.” He didn’t seem to recognize me. “Do you want to come sit on the couch?”

“I had a few too many at lunch. I was anxious about this meeting. My name is Asher.” He still remained in the same spot. “You want to take a drive somewhere?”

“A drive? Like outside drive?” chills ran down my spine.

Doesn’t he remember from the elevator about the guy I was running from? He gave me his card. Asher? Was that the name on the card?

“We could stay in if you’d rather. I thought some fresh air would help me sober up.” Asher took a few wobbly steps. “Coffee would be good too.”

“Why don’t we go out on the balcony and I’ll ask the housekeeper to make some coffee.” I offered my arm for him to hold onto. “It’s strange that we met already in the elevator.”

“What elevator? Were you in the elevator coming up here?” Asher rubbed at the back of his neck. “Man, I had way too many drinks. I don’t remember you being in the elevator.”

I guess he is a playboy. He probably never intended to help me. He just wanted to flirt. Crickey, and I had a bloody eye and lip. That’s just sick. This is going to be a long year.

“Do you have any questions for me?” I asked, helping him into a chair on the balcony. “You already know why I have this black eye, right?”

Maybe he doesn’t remember because he’s had too much plank. Maybe after some food he’ll remember.

The breeze on the balcony felt really good after being indoors for more than twenty-four hours. I was ready to get out of town, but now I had to deal with a drunk person first.How am I supposed to trust him to get me out in one piece?I was expecting a playboy that would be fun, not one that couldn’t think or walk straight.

“Sorry again, but I don’t know why you have a black eye. I don’t even see a black eye.” Asher leaned towards me. I assumed for a closer look at my eye. “Your eyes are very pretty.”

“Thank you.” Was all I could think to say. “Are you hungry?”

“I’ve never seen someone with red hair and blue eyes,” Asher blurted out instead of answering about being hungry.

“Oh, yeah. Red isn’t my natural color hair.”

The wig. That’s why he doesn’t recognize me. I gotta get some food in this guy.

“So why are you agreeing to be my bride? I know why I have to do it, but why for you?” Asher blurted out again. “It’s okay, whatever the reason is. I just wondered.”

Either they didn’t tell him or he is drunker than I think. Dang, I thought they were going to tell him. I didn’t want to have to explain this whole thing.

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s save all the questions until we get some food in you,” I said, waving to Poppy when she walked by the big glass window.

Poppy stuck her head out the balcony door. She introduced herself to Asher, then let us both know that a meal had been set up in a private suite. Perfect for us to get to know each other more. I was still stuck on the fact that he was so kind and caring in the elevator and now only wants to tell me how pretty my eyes are.

Snap out of it, girl. What does it matter if he remembers? This marriage isn’t a real marriage. Play along.

“Gunner’s going to escort you both to the suite, then he’ll wait outside to protect you.” Poppy waved Gunner over to help Asher walk. “That coffee should kick in soon. I hope.”
