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I pulled the door open to a mirror image of myself. Well, mirror image if the mirror showed a complete opposite of yourself. Asher stood there with a stupid giddy smile on his face, and that was never a good sign. It always meant something bad was about to come out of his mouth.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Asher scoffed. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

“I see you every time I look in the mirror, less that stupid grin,” I pulled the door wide for him to enter. “Might as well come in and ruin my day.”

“So grouchy first thing in the morning, big brother,” Asher scolded. “You need to have some fun once in a while.”

“Oh, I think you have enough fun for both of us. Why are you in my suite instead of with your new fiancée planning your wedding?” I asked, pouring myself a coffee that the housekeeper had brewed for me according to the note stuck to the coffeemaker.

“She’s pretty, but you know me,” Asher joined me at the counter for a coffee. ‘’I like to pick my own women.”

“Asher, I don’t have time to hash this out again. Mom gave you an ultimatum. Just do it.” I picked up my vibrating cell from the counter and showed him the screen. “It’s as if Mom knows you’re up to something. Am I telling her everything is still a go?”

“Yeah, tell her I’m going to Paris tonight with the bride to be,” Asher said, avoiding eye contact.

“You want me to lie then?” I tossed my cell back on the counter. I wasn’t saying anything yet. “Why do I feel like the favor you want involves your ultimatum.”

“Here me out before you say no,” Asher begged. “I’ll do whatever you want if you help me out.”

I leaned back against the kitchen counter and crossed my arms. All I could do at the moment was say nothing. I stood there looking at my twin, trying to figure out how we could be so different and what he could possibly want. Did I even want to hear it?

“Come on August. I’m in love,” Asher gushed like a teenager. “Can’t you be happy for me?”

“Tell me you’re in love with your new bride to be. Then I’ll be happy for you,” I said, knowing there was a lot more still to spill out of him. “Go ahead, tell me about it.”

“You remember Lilly, the model, that I was dating last year? Well, she was at the club Sawyer and I went to last night.” Asher went on without my answering. “We hung out all night. She wants to get back together and so do I.”

“You gotta be kidding me, Ash. She dumped you two times already. What makes you think this time is different?” I demanded. “You might as well get it over with. What’s the favor?”

“I want you to pretend to be me for a few weeks and hang out with Imogen, while I stay here with Lilly to see if we can make it work.” Asher asked as if he was only asking to share a shirt. “I’ll do whatever you want if you’ll twin switch with me.”

I had to look away. He’s out of his mind.

“August, say something,” Asher begged. “Will you help me out?”

“Okay, let me get this straight. You want me to… be you?” I raised a hand to stop Asher from answering. “You want me to entertain your fiancée… as you, while you go partying with your ex-girlfriend?”

Chapter 19


The sun was peeking through the curtains when I reluctantly climbed out of the most comfortable bed I’d ever slept in. I’d napped on the same bed the day before, but sinking into the soft mattress and fluffy comforter was the ultimate in sleep. I threw on the robe Poppy had left for me and drug myself to the bathroom. I turned on the water to warm it up, then took a good look at myself in the mirror. The bruise was more visible this morning with the makeup washed off. As I stood looking at my injuries, an array of emotions passed through me within seconds. First, fear that Brice would barge in any second. Then, anxiety for my parents’ safety, and finally, apprehension for what the day was to bring. My husband to be was possibly a mess. I had no contact with anyone outside of the Hawthorne world and although I felt safe, I also felt a little sad.

“Imogen?’ Poppy tapped on the closed door.

“Come on in,” I yelled from the bathroom. “I’m just washing my face in here.”

Poppy leaned against the door opening. I instantly felt better looking at her smile from the mirror. She’d been through this mail order bride thing and everything worked out for her, so hopefully it would for me too.

“I came in to see what you wanted for breakfast. You have a big day ahead of you, so you need to start with a good meal,” Poppy said with growing enthusiasm. “I’m almost jealous.”

“Jealous of what, girl? You have an amazing life.” I accepted the towel she held out to me to dry my face. “I’m nervous as heck.”

“Don’t be nervous. Asher was a fool last night, but I just heard from Kellan that you’re off to Paris this afternoon.” Poppy’s grin grew wider. “I haven’t been to Paris yet and I hear the shopping is the best there.”

“I can’t say I have shopping on my mind right now.” I laughed nervously. “I don’t even have a wallet or ID much less money. Honestly, I don’t know if I have a groom either.”

“Again, I know Asher was a dill last night, but Kellan says he messaged a few minutes ago that you guys are going to Paris.” Poppy giggled. “I hear Lionel giving the housekeeper a hard time. He clearly doesn’t like whatever she’s trying to feed him. I need to get out there, he’s such a brat. Come eat so we can talk.”
