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Poppy had been sweet enough to have a few casual outfits delivered. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, then paddled barefoot out to the kitchen. Lionel was putting on a show worthy of his own television series. If I had a camera or a cell phone, I would’ve captured Lionel standing up on a stool, chirping and pushing the plate of eggs away from him. Poppy wasn’t helping the situation. She sat on a stool next to him laughing. I didn’t want to interrupt the madness, so I slid onto a chair at the edge of the room.

“Lionel, these are my strawberries. You already ate yours.” Poppy put her arm out to block Lionel from eating her food. “If you eat your eggs, you can have more fruit.”

Lionel stopped chirping. He seemed to be contemplating what Poppy had said. His little pink-tipped nose slowly sunk into the plate of eggs. Poppy had won the battle.

“That was fun to watch. Is he always so demanding?” I asked, resisting the urge to pet him. “How long have you had him? He really listens to you.”

“Mr. Lionel is an alley, dumpster-diving ferret who became my best friend when I really needed someone.” Poppy slid her plate of strawberries over to him, replacing the now empty plate of eggs. “Truthfully, I would say we needed each other. He had very little manners when we met, but he’s quite the gentleman now.”

“You’ll make a great mom one day if you can get a ferret to eat like that,” I said, choosing a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter. “I’m not a big breakfast eater. Tell me more about Paris.”

“Asher has to travel to Paris to look at the design issues with the new brand of Hawthorne Hotels. You need to get out of Dodge, so it works out perfect.” Poppy explained it as simply as which shirt to wear. “The tricky part is getting you out of this suite and onto his plane without your friend Brice catching us.”

“Oh, I was wondering how I was going to travel without my ID. No one had mentioned a private plane.” I dug into the banana that Lionel was now eyeballing. “What about getting to the plane?”

“Gunner will be driving you from here to the plane, same thing as the other day. If you get pulled over, you get in the seat hideout.” Poppy said. “Once you run from the car to the plane, you’ll take off immediately.”

“Speaking of Gunner, what happened with his investigation yesterday?” I asked, pacing around the island. “I hope he didn’t get Brice upset.”

“Gunner isn’t afraid of your bully. Anyways, he’s flying to Paris with you and will be your bodyguard.” Poppy stood from her stool and placed Lionel on the floor. “Let’s get you a few things packed so you’re ready when he is.”

“What should I wear to fly to Paris?”

“Gunner thinks it’s best if you dress in Kellan’s clothes to not draw any suspicion if they’re watching.”

I hadn’t told anyone that I recognized Asher from the hospital. Asher himself didn’t seem to remember me. I figured I’d keep it to myself and not bring it up again.

“Asher told me I looked hot in the red stilettos and I should wear them today,” I told Poppy while we were going through items that she had for me. “You have really good taste in clothes by the way. How do you know what size I am?”

“I was in fashion design school when my life fell apart and I ended up a mail order bride. It’s my passion. That’s why I’m so jealous you get to go to Paris.” Poppy pulled a beige suit off a hanger and put it in the suitcase. “You can’t wear the stilettos this time, your safety is more important than his lust.”

“That, I agree with.” I was feeling more confident by the minute.

Once you’re on the plane, go ahead and wear the stilettos for Asher, this time, but then tell him you’ll wear what you want from then on.”

I had to laugh at the stubborn look on her face. I barely knew her, but I could picture a tiny little girl making that same face. Thank God no one expected me to be at his beck and call.

“I wish you were going to Paris too. I’m not great at picking out clothes. For instance, I would never have known to choose that suit you just packed.” I ran a hand across the material. “I don’t even know what material that is, but I love it.”

“You’ll be fine. You can send me pictures and I’ll help you decide from here.” Poppy pulled a new cell phone from her pocket. “This is for you, but you have to be careful to not call anyone from it until you are safely out of the country.”

I wanted that cell phone so badly my fingers twitched to grab it from her hand, but I’d been so nervous for my parents that I didn’t trust myself to not call and check on them. Seconds ticked by with Poppy holding it out to me. I had to take the phone from her. It would be rude not to.

“Can you hold on to it until I’m leaving? I don’t trust myself.” I walked away from packing to pace as usual. “Did Gunner check on my parents?”

“Sorry, Imogen, I should have told you first thing. Yes, he went to the house and spoke with them.” Poppy came to stand in front of me. “They’re doing fine, and he has someone outside of their house watching them.”

“Do they know anything?” I asked.

“He told them only that you’re safe and that he has someone there to keep them safe from Brice.” Poppy grabbed me in a hug. “Trust him, he’s very good. You can call them soon.”

“Thank you, I do trust him.” I hugged her back with all my might.

“It’s almost time to go. Get the red stilettos and throw them in your purse.” Poppy pointed to a brand new Luis Vuitton purse sitting on the dresser. “Wait, you can’t carry a purse. Never mind, Gunner will put everything on the plane.”

“Go back to that purse you pointed at,” I said.

“The purse is a gift from me. I have my big bag that used to hold my whole life, so I know how important it is to a woman to have one,” Poppy said, placing it on my shoulder and stepping back to admire it. “It’s their classic tote, you can pick whatever you want in Paris though.”
