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“Let me see if you can get the seriousness of this via text. Imogen is running from the country and you have to hide her until you are out of Australia.”

“Is she a criminal?”

“No. She’s been very abused by her boyfriend who happens to be a high up sheriff. She’s in hiding and we need to sneak her on the plane with you and August.”

“Does my mother know this?”

This is news to me. Can she really know?

“She knows. The whole family knows, except Trey and Murphy. Your mother has had her investigated. She’s clean and I’ve met her myself. She’s very nice and grateful for the help. Don’t take advantage of that.”

“As if I would. I might be a playboy, but I’m not a jerk.”

“Asher, I know you’re not, but I also know you’re pissed about this. Just be nice.”

“I’ll take care of her. Don’t worry.”

“She doesn’t have any identification or money. Gunner stripped it all because the boyfriend was tracking her every move.”

“She won’t need money while she’s with me.”

“Last thing. Gunner is going to travel with you. This sheriff is hunting her big time.”

“I’ll be glad to have him watching our back.”

I turned to Asher, holding onto his cell.

“I think I need to take your phone with me. If Mom or anyone else tries to find out how things are going, you won’t be able to know what to say.”

“I have to have my cell, August. I’ll just forward any texts to you and you can tell me what to answer. Relax man, it’s gonna be fun. You might even like this Imogen,” Asher teased.

“Asher, you’re marrying this girl when it doesn’t work with Lilly. I’m just babysitting to save your behind with mom and take care of damage control. I don’t think you’re getting that through your thick skull.” I tossed his cell at him.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, man. Lilly is great, I’m telling you. I think she’s the one.”

Air quotations again? Is this a thing he does now? I’m not doing that! I don’t care if people figure it out.

“And on that note, I’m out before I change my mind.” I headed to my room to finish dressing.

“Hey, try to have a good time like we use to. She isn’t your type, but I think you’ll survive it.” Asher laughed opening the door to leave my suite.

“Keep it up, punk, and I’ll be going to the island to hide instead of you.”

“You’re gonna love being me, man. Just think, if you do anything wrong, it gets blamed on me. So do something wrong for once,” Asher called out as he shut the door.

Chapter 21


The time had come to leave the safety of the Hawthorne Hotel. Gunner had already put my few items in the car. I hugged Poppy tight. She was my lifeline, and leaving her and the hotel was terrifying. I was beyond relieved that I had my very own James Bond traveling with us.

“You ready, Solitaire? Gunner handed me a baseball cap and briefcase. “You don’t worry. I have people posted on the whole route to the airport. No one will be bothering us.”

“Who are you?” The words flew out of my mouth without thinking. “Strewth Crickey, what a fruit loop I am. I didn’t mean that in a dodgy way.”

Gunner just laughed at me, then turned with a nod toward the door.

“Why Solitaire?” I asked following Bond to the door. “You know my name is Imogen, right?”
