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“Hold on, Victoria is on the laptop.” Poppy hurried over with it. “She wants to speak with you.”

I took a second to pat my wig in place before the screen was turned to me.

“Victoria, good afternoon.” I smiled nervously forcing myself to not pace. “We’re about to leave. I’m so thankful to you and your family for helping me like this.”

“Hello, Imogen. You’re looking much better than you did a few days ago. I see you’re still wearing the wig,” Victoria said. “I hear Asher was there to meet with you. I hope he behaved himself.”

“Oh yes, he was very polite. I’m looking forward to getting to know him.” I shifted from one foot to the other. “Is there something you want me to do?”

“Yes dear, I want you to keep tabs on Asher. You need to be seen together out in public having a good time. You need to pretend to be in love.” Victoria went on without stopping. “Make sure he isn’t out drinking or partying with his friends, and if he gives you a hard time, give me a call. Poppy has already programmed my number into your new cell.”

“I owe you for this fair go. You can count on me,” I said. “Anything else?”

“I do believe you are going to be perfect for this. Just be aware when you’re out with Asher. There are always paparazzi following him.” Victoria said her goodbyes.

The rideto the airport was tense, but thankfully uneventful. I didn’t take a deep breath until we pulled onto the runway next to a plane that was already running. I shoved the red wig up under the baseball cap and took a firm grip on the briefcase. I watched as Gunner got out and held a brief conversation with what seemed to be another security guy, by the looks of him. Gunner walked over to the door, took one more look around then pulled it open.

Strewth crickey! Here we go. Thirty seconds and I’ll be in the plane to take me away from Brice forever.

“Let’s go.” Gunner took me by the arm once I stepped out of the car.

We were joined by the other gentleman. Very quickly I realized I was being squeezed in between Gunner and the other man. I always thought Brice was scary but these two were just plain spine-chilling. Police sirens rang out in the near distance. I was hustled into the plane, the door slammed shut and we were moving down the runway. Out the window, I watched as a police car pulled up next to the other guy that helped escort me to the plane.

He came for me. I wouldn’t have made it without this family.

I sat back against the seat with my eyes closed taking slow easy breaths.

“That was a close one,” a male voice said from somewhere near me. “Was that the hostile boyfriend?”

It wasn’t Gunners voice. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around now, for the first time, at a beautifully decorated living room with a huge flat screen tv, a fully stocked bar, and white leather recliners. I looked out the window to confirm we were in the air. All I could see was white clouds.

Holy crap. This is amazing. It’s prettier than my apartment.

“Are you comfortable?” the voice asked. “You’re safe now, it’s okay to release the arm handles.”

I relaxed enough to look around, and there was my future husband. Except he seemed different today. Less cocky might be a good way to put it.

“Hi, sorry about that little freak-out.” I pulled the baseball cap off. “That was too close for comfort. How are you doing?”

“Me? I’m good. You look familiar, have we met before?” he asked, looking right into my eyes. “I usually remember faces.”

“We met in the hotel last night for dinnies. Do you remember?” I reached for the new purse someone had put next to my chair. “It’s no drama if you don’t remember, you were rather pished.”

“I was?” My fiance seemed confused. “What did we talk about at dinner?”

“You didn’t stay. You said your old mate messaged you to meet up.” I slipped the jacket Gunner threw over my shoulders off. “Although, I think you were really meeting up with a sheila.”

“That does sound like me. Don’t worry, that’s all over now. I’m Asher, in case I forgot to introduce myself last night.” He leaned in to shake hands.

This guy was more drunk than I thought. He doesn’t even remember talking to me. No wonder the family is making him marry and settle down. Might explain why he doesn’t remember giving me his card in the elevator.

“I’ve never flown in a private plane before. Actually, I’ve only flown two times in my whole life,” I said to change the subject. “I guess you fly all the time?”

“I fly on business a lot, but I like to travel for pleasure as well.” Asher pointed to my hair. “Did you change your hair? Maybe that’s why I can’t place you.”

Ah, some memory coming back. I knew it was the hair.

“Did you hurt your lip?” He asked in deep thought.
