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He walked over to the rack of dresses. I wasn’t sure exactly what he was looking for I would have thought he’d love the sexy one. They said he was a playboy and the dress I had on was amazing.

Why is he acting so weird? I could tell he liked it.

“Imogen, you look amazing in that dress, so if you love it, I love it. I have to run to meetings or I‘ll never make it back for our dinner reservation,” he said calmly. “Ladies, thank you for your time. I trust you will make her happy.”

With Asher gone, I asked the one assistant to take a picture of me in the black slinky dress, then I sent it to Poppy in a text.

“Poppy, I think this is the one, give me your professional thoughts.”

“I haven’t seen the other dresses, but that one is pretty great.”

“Do you think it’s great enough for an engagement?”

“Alright, so it’s tonight. Victoria is going to be happy about that. Oh and yes it’s perfect for engagement.”

“I’m so nervous I’m about to pace holes in my tacky sneakers.”

“Lol, you have to send me a picture of those sneakers.”

I bent over and snapped a picture of the sneakers and sent it to her, then told the ladies I’d be right back and went to my room to snap a picture of the matching tacky sweat suit.

“That is the outfit I’ve been wearing for two days.”

“Haha, you’ve got to go shopping. I can’t believe you haven’t already.”

“It’s only my second day here. I’m hoping to go tomorrow.”

“I have a hair appointment soon, so I need to make a decision.”

“Go with the dress you have on. Now send me pictures of the shoes they brought for you.”

I really hadn’t thought about the shoes yet. Obviously, I couldn’t wear the sneakers and I didn’t want to wear the red stilettos with a black dress. I snapped a picture of the row of shoe choices and sent it to Poppy, but I had my eyes on a pair of black pumps with rhinestones on the heel and around the ankle area.

“I have one in mind but I’m curious which ones you think.”

“Without question it has to be the black pumps with the rhinestones.”

“Yay, that’s the ones I wanted too. I feel like the dress needs some rhinestones though, or a bracelet. Right?”

“They probably brought jewelry with them. Put the shoes on with the dress.”

“Okay, I like this dress and these pumps. I was wondering if you brought any rhinestone jewelry?” I asked timidly.

They were already holding out several bracelets and necklaces to choose from.

“If I may, I’d like to suggest these two bulky bracelets and this teardrop necklace,” the one designer said, placing the bracelets on my arms. “I can also sew in some rhinestones at the V.”

“This is beautiful without the rhinestones on the V, but I’d love to see it with,” I said brightly.

She went about pinning on a few rhinestones at the V, then motioned for me to look in the tall mirror in the living room. I had never worn something like this in my life, nor did I ever think I would. I sent Poppy a text then forwarded it to Mia and Victoria.

“What do you think? Engagement/paparazzi worthy?”

“Absolutely perfect, my son will love it”Victoria responded.

“That screams Asher,”Mia returned.

“I couldn’t have picked it better, just beautiful.”Poppy gushed.
