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“Thanks everyone! Now I’m off for hair and nails. I feel like a princess.”

“Everyone deserves to feel that way at least once,”Victoria replied.

The designer said she would have the rhinestones on the dress and have it back within two hours. They all asked me to visit their shops when I was ready for more clothes. I promised to visit their shops very soon. I messaged Gunner, who was in the Hawthorne private gym, to let him know I was heading downstairs to my hair appointment. He, of course, wanted me to wait to be escorted, but I told him to enjoy his free time, I would be safe in the hotel. I slipped out of the sweatsuit and into the only other casual outfit I had, which was jeans and a t shirt.

“Hi,I’m Imogen. I have a hair appointment,” I said to the girl at the desk of the salon and spa.

“Good afternoon Imogen, I’m Constance. Your hairdresser is ready for you. Follow me.”

She escorted me to a lavish room that looked more like a retreat than a hair salon. The only giveaway was the chair.

“Imogen, this is Mylene, she will be taking care of you today. Can I get you some wine or Perrier?” Mylene asked cheerfully. “Are you hungry?”

“Good Arvo, Mylene. I’d love a regular water, if you have that?” I asked, looking around.

“Australian accent, I love it. Of course we have regular water,” Mylene answered smiling ear to ear. “Have a seat and let’s talk about what you want to do with your hair, and I’m guessing it has something to do with that wig in your hand.”

“Yes, it’s a long story, but my boyfriend met me with this wig on and I’d like to make my real hair this color.” I handed her the wig and sat in the chair. “I’d also like to keep my hair the length I have it, but I don’t mind you changing the shape of it.”

“Perfect,” she said, running a brush through my hair. “There’s no problem doing this shade of red and I have a couple of ideas for styling to shape your face better.”

She handed me a book full of hairstyles. “I’m going to prep the color, so you look through pages twenty to twenty-five. Just about any style on those pages will be perfect for you.”

I flipped back and forth between the pages while Mylene put the color on. We discussed a few styles then narrowed down until we had the perfect one.

“Now tell me about your special night out.” Mylene prompted. “Start with who is your boyfriend and where are you going?”

“Asher Hawthorne, and he hasn’t told me, he just said it’s a special night,” I said, watching her facial expression change several times before she looked at me in the mirror. “I know, I know. Nobody knew he was dating me. We’ve kept it a secret. I don’t like being in the tabloids.”

Good job making that up on the fly.

“I’d say you’re a lucky girl, but you have your hands full with him.” She shook her head then went on. “He’s pissed off the wrong family this last time. How did you meet?”

“We met months ago. He was dating another girl, but we hit it off right away and went away for a while to stay out of the public eye.” I was having fun with this story now.

A side door opened before we could carry on the conversation. Mylene waved me into the next private room where two women waited to do my manicure and pedicure.

“Your color will come off when they are finished. What color are you going to do your nails?”

“I’m not sure.” I opened my cell and showed all three women my dress and shoes. “I was thinking black or red.”

“Black with a rhinestone on your middle and pinky finger would be pretty,” the nail tech offered her advice. “Your shoes looked blinged out already and they’re closed-toe, so just go with solid black, or tiny rhinestones on your big toe in case you take your shoes off.”

“Do you mind if I tell you I love you?” I hugged her.

“It’s my job. Can I get you something to eat or drink before we start?” she asked, turning on the water for my feet to soak in. “Here, put your hands in these bowls.”

“No thanks, my dress is skin tight and I ate like a maniac for breakfast,” I said, laughing at myself. “You feel free to have something though. I’m not formal.”

Thirty minutes later, Mylene returned to steal me away from the nail room. The color was done, but the rhinestones would have to go on when my hair was done. I had my head back in the sink and I was nervous to see how the red would look. Mylene picked up on my anxiety.

“The color looks terrific, wait ‘til you see it. I absolutely love this color with your eyes,” she said, wrapping a towel around my head. “Let’s get that cut and blow done so you can impress Mr. Hawthorne tonight.”

I should tell her about the engagement to get the rumors going.

“Mylene, can I tell you a secret?” I watched her nod “yes” in the mirror, then went on. “I think he might be proposing tonight.”

I watched her surprise in the mirror. “Well then we have to make sure you look perfect for the paparazzi.” She snipped away at my hair, casually talking about how awful it must be to live in the public eye all the time, then she put her scissors down and spun me away from the mirror. “I like to blow out new styles away from the mirror so we have a big reveal. You okay with that?”
