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“Not really. My fiance has acted weird the few times I brought up the wedding,” I said, flipping through the pages of the book. “He did bring up wedding dress shopping, but that was with regard to you.”

“What kind of weird? Like he doesn’t want to get married weird, because he’s being forced? Or he thinks he can still get out of it weird?” Poppy asked, turning in the seat to face me. “Has he been drinking a lot?”

“No, once in awhile he has a scotch on the rocks with Gunner and a glass of wine at dinner, but other than that, no,” I explained. “I haven’t seen him get drunk like the first night we met.”

“That’s kinda weird in itself. Asher is a drinker. I don’t think he’s an alcoholic or anything, but he likes his alcohol and fun.” Poppy chewed on her lip. “Maybe it’s just being around you, and you don’t drink.”

“Maybe,” I replied.

When we arrived at the hotel, Halima met us with a personal concierge for Poppy. I was about to ask if this new person could bring Poppy’s luggage up when Poppy hugged the young girl, named Marie, then asked her to have everything brought up.

“Marie has been my concierge for a year now,” Poppy explained. “We have our own suite in the hotel. Our penthouse is in the next tower over. We can run a wire with cups from our balconies and talk to each other.”

“Now wouldn’t that be a fun thing to do. The men can have business meetings from their own balconies.” We both laughed at the absurdity of it.

“What do you have in mind for us for the day and a half without our men?” Poppy asked, following Gunner and myself to our elevator.

“What did you have in mind? You’re obviously a regular here,” I asked, trying to peek in her bag to see Lionel.

“Mr. Lionel is grumpy right now. He doesn’t care for flying,” Poppy said, catching me trying to see him. “I want to take you wedding dress shopping. It’s actually the main reason I came all this way for such a short trip.”

“Gunner, it looks like we’re shopping again. I’m sorry, but at least you can get fitted for a tux for the wedding,” I said to him as the elevator doors opened to Penthouse One.

“Why are we in August’s penthouse?” Poppy asked, looking rather surprised.

“He said he’s having renovations done and August wouldn’t mind,” I answered, walking to the kitchen for a water. “Would you like something to eat or drink?”

“Sure, I’ll take a water” Poppy answered deep in thought. “I thought Asher got his place redone a few months ago.”

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask too many questions about it. I’m curious what it looks like though.” I motioned for her to join me in the living room. “This place seems perfect to my taste and it seems to fit Asher well. August and Asher must be similar.”

“Yes, I would say that they are in a lot of ways, and very different in others.” Poppy let out a deep breath. “You should ask him to let you see the place in case you want to change the renovations before they’re done.”

“Oh, it’s fine. I’m sure I’ll be alright with whatever it looks like,” I said, wondering why she laughed before. “It’s only a second or third home, right?”

“Too true. Alright, well I’m ready to change into something more comfortable, these pants are a little tight. Then let’s get shopping.”

“I’m ready to go,” I said, still sitting looking at Poppy.

“Great, we have a lot of shops waiting on us,” Poppy said, bouncing off the chair and heading to the elevator. “I’ll meet you both in the lobby in, let’s say, twenty minutes. I need to make a phone call first.”

Why is she acting so strange about the brother?

I watched the elevator doors close, then walked over to Gunner, who stood at the island in the kitchen. We stood in silence for a few minutes. Then I just had to say it to someone out loud.

“She was acting weird about Asher and his brother, wasn’t she? Or is it just me?” I asked, feeling confused. “I can’t figure out what, or even why, she would act weird, but I’m going to have to bring it up.”

“I’d leave it alone, she looked tired. Probably just jet lag,” Gunner said, coming around the island. “I’m going to go get the car and meet you out front. Stop being crazy and have fun.”

“Did you just call me crazy?” I asked on a laugh. “I thought you were my friend?”

“I am your friend, and as your friend, I just told you to stop being crazy,” Gunner said, waving at me from the elevator. “I’m just teasing you, Solitaire.”

Maybe I should ask Asher if I can see his penthouse?

Poppy sent me a text that she was on her way down. I texted her back to meet me at my elevator. I was going to need her with me for walking out. I checked my cell once more, but nothing from Asher. He was probably resting. When I exited the elevator, Poppy looped her arm through mine and we exited the lobby. Gunner was waiting with the limo door open. He had already made the reporters stand back, and for that I owed him.

God, I hope this stops once we’re married, they probably only care right now because he’s been such a player. It’s hard to picture him as a player.
