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“Shh, no, that’s my Valentine’s gift to him,” she said, practically covering my whole face with her hands. “Come over to my plane for a minute or two. Yours will need refueling and a quick restock.”

“Did he have anything wonderful for you?” Poppy asked, climbing the few steps on to her plane.

“Nope, just said he missed me, then you called me over. Now I see Gunner and him having a serious-looking discussion.”

Poppy and Kellan’s plane was nice inside but compared to Asher’s luxury interior it seemed a bit plain. Their plane was functional. Lionel even had his own chair, seatbelt and all.

“Don’t mind this interior. I have big plans to remodel it,” Poppy said, sitting down on a couch. “Did he say where you’re going on your walkabout?”

“Nope, but I don’t actually care, as long as it’s with him,” I said, surprised at myself. “I just realized I love him.”

“Why look so surprised?” Poppy asked. “You two are great together.”

“I really like being with him and he seems happy when he’s with me, but could it be this good so soon? Can I love him already?” I asked, pacing back and forth.

“Sure, why not? There are no rules for love,” Poppy said, looking out a window. “Your plane engines just started. Go find out what your surprise is.”

I hugged Poppy and made her promise to video when she told Kellan about the baby.

“Solitaire, I’m not going with you on this trip,” Gunner said, walking next to me to Asher’s plane. “I think you and Asher need some alone time to make sure you both are who you think you are.”

“Crickey, Bond, that’s a deep and scary statement. What’s with the dramatic words and face?” I asked, reaching the steps to our plane. “Are you going to be here when I get back?”

Gunner started laughing, really laughing, bending over laughing. Then spun me around and pushed me up the steps.

“I’ll be standing right here in twenty-four hours, ready to put you in that limo over there to go get ice cream.” Gunner backed down the steps. “In the meantime, I’m going to kick back and do absolutely nothing. Then I’m going to have a thick steak and potatoes dinner.”

“Maybe I’ll stay here with you. I kinda like the sound of that plan,” I said, walking back down the steps. “I’ll just message Asher from the limo.”

“Get yourself back on that plane, girl.” Gunner blocked me from going any further. “I have big plans tonight with a lady friend, so I need you to be gone.”

“What’s happening out here?” Asher asked, trying to joke but not. “The pilot just said it’s time to take off.”

I could tell something had happened between Gunner and Asher, but when I was about to ask, Gunner saluted us and climbed into the limo.

“Did you tell Gunner he couldn’t go with us?” I asked, buckling into my seat. “He was acting awfully secretive.”

“No way. I like Gunner and I like having him around for protection,” Asher said, pushing the intercom to let the pilot know we were buckled in. “I figured he was going, but then while you were in Kellan’s plane, he told me he wanted us to have some alone time.”

“He did say he had a date and plans for a thick steak,” I said, still thinking something happened. “So, when are you telling me where we’re going?”

“Ahh, it’s a surprise. I’m not telling you, but you can try to figure it out by the first clue sitting right over there on the chair.” He pointed to two black cowboy hats.

“We’re going horseback riding? Or, we’re going to a rodeo?” I asked. “Maybe we’re going line dancing. That’d I’d like to see- you line dancing.”

“Are you saying I can’t dance?” he asked in mock surprise. “I believe I danced perfectly the night we got engaged.”

“Yes, but that wasn’t line dancing,” I teased him. “Give me another clue. Start with where we’re flying to.”

Chapter 64


I’d told her we would be in flight for two hours. Once we were in the air, I sent her to the spare room to find the cowboy boots and fancy black belt. She came back out with them on. I decided to surprise her, so I’d gone and put on my jeans, black t-shirt, and boots.

“Mr. Hawthorne, I do believe we have found the perfect look for you,” Imogen said, circling me. “Way better than those fancy suits you wear.”

“I’m going to get a complex if you keep this up. I thought you liked me the way I was when you met me?” I asked, pouting with my arms crossed.
