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“Bulldust, you’re too confident to be bothered by that, but nice try.” Imogen poked me in the side. “Tell me where we’re going or I’ll tickle it out of you.”

“I’m not ticklish, so good luck with that,” I said, attempting to walk away.

“Why are you trying to shoot through then?” she teased, and started poking me side to side, until I fought back with tickles.

We were running around furniture like complete fruit loops, as she would say it. The intercom crackled on that we would be landing in ten minutes and that we should get buckled up.

“You got very tinny because you are definitely a ticklish bloke,” Imogen said, falling into a recliner and buckling in. “Are you ready to tell me yet?”

“Tell you what?” Asher asked, fidgeting with the already-fastened seatbelt.

“I can see we’re in the big smoke, which one I’m not positive, but I’m thinking it’s Rome,” Imogen guessed, looking out the windows. “I’ve never been to Rome. Is it Rome? Tell me it’s Rome.”

“It’s Rome,” I said. “We have thirty minutes to get to the big Valentine’s surprise. Are you ready?”

“We’re going dressed like cowboys? Are you having a whinge with me?” she asked, trying to figure it out. “If you don’t tell me, then you’re up a creek, because I’m going to yabber all evening until we get to the surprise.”

“Well, aren’t youThe Fighter,”I said, not looking at her but instead picking up papers from the table and securing them. “Next clues- it’s not horses, but it won’t beWay Too Longbefore we’re there.”

I wonder if she even knows the songs I’m quoting?

“That statement is my clues? I’m going to need a nosh for this,” she said, then stopped to look at me. “In case I forget later, I want to thank you for a great time tonight.”

Aw man, she beat me to the best line in Pretty Woman.

“That’s a really good one. Hmm, I need to think of a reply, but in the meantime, we’re on a schedule, so let’s go,” I said as the pilot opened the doors.

“Mr. Hawthorne, are we still on schedule to leave tomorrow?” the pilot asked as we passed by.

“Yes, we’re staying overnight. Go have some fun tonight,” I said, knowing Imogen was listening closely for any giveaway as to our destination. “Just rememberBlue Ain’t Your Colorwhile you’re out and about.”

I watched out of the corner of my eyes to see her squint her eyes in deep thought. I wanted to laugh because I was throwing out names of Keith Urban songs and she wasn’t catching on.I decided to use a few more song names to see if she got it before we got there.

“I can tell you think you have me stumped by the way you’re trying not to skite, but I’ll figure it out,” Imogen said as we pulled around a corner and the venue for the concert came into sight. “Strewth Crickey, I’m about to go troppo. Are we at a Keith Urban concert?”

“Happy Valentine’s,” I said, all smiles.

She bounced up and down on the seat so much I thought I would throw up. The limo brought us straight to the VIP entrance, then someone escorted us to a private room where there was food and drinks.

“I can’t believe you remembered me telling you and then planned this whole thing.” Imogen said, crying. “Last year for Valentine’s I was in a hospital from being hurt. This year I get to actually be the fighter.”

I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her lean into me and relax.

“You’re a pretty special seppo,” I heard her whisper just before the door to the room opened and in walked…

Chapter 65


Keith Urban walked through the door and I about fell over. Asher had remembered from the beginning that Urban was my all-time favorite.

“This is a stone the crows special moment and I’ll never forget it,” I said, throwing myself into his arms. “I don’t care what the John Dory say about you. I think you’re an amazing, kind, and thoughtful person.”

“Imogen, thank you for saying so, but for now you need to turn around and meet Keith Urban,” Asher said, physically turning me around until I was face-to-face with Keith Urban’s smile.

“It’s very nice to meet you. Imogen, right?” Keith Urban asked. “I hear you’re a big fan of mine. Do you sing at all?”

“Strewth crickey, I can barely talk right this minute,” I blurted out. “I never thought an ordinary Sheila like myself would get to meet you.”
