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“I can repair the boats. So, what else is there?” Charlie asked. “Besides getting this office in order, that is.”

I looked to each man and thought about my dad, far away, fighting to get himself back. He’d be so happy to know that I let these guys help.

“If you’re sure. I can’t think of any better,” I said.

“Good, ‘cause Mrs. Hawthorne already hired us,” Lou said. “We wouldn’t agree unless you said yes. But I think it’ll be fun.”

“You guys were just playing with me all this time?” I shook my head at them. “You already knew, didn’t you?”

“We knew, but we wanted you to tell us. Now let’s go look at that house. It needs work too.” Robert smiled. “I’m not sleeping with any of these three.”

We went over to the house. The men walked around mumbling and making notes. Lou, oddly, went through every kitchen cabinet and Robert complained that there were only two bathrooms.

“Alright, we have an assessment of what needs to be done.” Gunner made another note on his pad of paper. “Jade, you have to go to the island tomorrow. You should be packing.”

“I was just thinking about that. I have no idea what I’m suppose to bring.” I smiled. “You guys know, though. Give me the in on what we have to do over there.”

“We don’t have an in. All I know is the expedition. That’s what they hired us for.” Robert shrugged. “What else do you do with a bunch of girls?”

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. I know there’s gonna be diving and stuff, so I guess I can start with bathing suits and my wetsuit,” I planned out loud. “Sorry, you guys don’t wanna hear this. I’ll be in my room packing.”

“I’m going back out to oversee the dock completion.” Robert grabbed an apple off the table. “Gunner, you coming?”

“Yeah, I need a minute.” Gunner turned to me. “You can get out of this if you want. We can pull together the money for the Admiral. Tell me right now if you’re regretting your decision.”

“You said he’s a good guy and I’d be treated right, didn’t you?” I leaned against the couch. “You said you’d been through this with someone named Solitaire. So, what are you not saying?”

“Absolutely nothing. I just want you to know, if you want out, I’ll make it happen.” He paused. “If you want to see it through, then I applaud you and I honestly feel like you will have a great time.”

“Then it’s settled. Besides, I can swim back if I hate it over there,” I joked. “I’ll take a flare gun with me. It’ll be our Bat Signal if I need you. Deal?”

“You won’t need it. I’ll be there every day.” Gunner walked to the door. “You get yourself ready to go.”

I spent the afternoon clearing my bedroom out and moving Dad’s stuff so the guys would have room to move their stuff in. I listened and laughed from my room while Robert and Charlie argued over who got what room. Lou was banging around in the kitchen grumbling.

“I need to go to the grocery store. Did you know you don’t have anything in that kitchen?” Lou said from my bedroom door. “I wanna make dinner and there’s nothing. What have you been eating, girl?”

“Lou, I don’t require much food and Dad usually drinks himself to sleep.” I closed my suitcase. “Come on, let’s go together. I’ll get stuff to make cookies.”

“Now you’re talking.”

Chapter 74


Iwas a nervous wreck and mad at myself for it. I’ve spent many years around all kinds of women, and not once have I been like this. Aunt Victoria called to say all the girls were at the marina and ready to meet me.

“This is it, Ash. I’m about to meet my wife.” I sat on the edge of a lounger next to him. “I’m ridiculously nervous.”

“You should be. You’re giving up all the beautiful women out there.” Asher tilted his face to the sun. “You’re not gonna be in charge of your own life anymore, man.”

“You’re right, although you’re being a pain about this and saying things to change my mind.” I slapped him on the leg. “I see the boat coming. Are you going to behave yourself?”

“Don’t I always?” Asher stood with me. “Let’s go meet them and get this party started.”

We walked out and stood on the dock. Josh had the crew on standby to collect the women’s luggage and he’d already scheduled lunch for an hour from now. Aunt Victoria was the first one to emerge from the cabin, followed by a petite brunette.

“I should have looked at the bios again so I’d at least remember their names,” I whispered to Ash. “Do you remember?”
