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“He is going to be surprised, that’s for sure.” I looked around to see if anything else was worked on. “Things will be different when he gets back, but at least he’ll be better.”

“You wanna tell us what’s going on?” Gunner waved the others over. “We know something’s up, so tell us.”

“Yeah, you’re our responsibility now while Admiral is away.” Robert stopped in front of me. “What the big discussion?”

“I asked Jade to tell us what’s going on. We’re waiting on her answer,” Gunner said.

The four men stood staring at me. I tried my best to look away, but I could feel their eyes coming at me from every direction.

“Jade, Mrs. Hawthorne doesn’t overstep. So, if she took this on and so quickly, something caused her to do it.” Gunner took his sunglasses off. “Look at me and tell me what’s happening.”

“Fine. Dad needed help, as we all know. He needed really good help and that help costs a lot of money.” I paused but they just stared. “Then DeLuca came around trying to buy the marina and had multiple violations given to us.”

“We’re listening,” Gunner prompted me to go on. “What did you give for this?”

How could I tell these men that I gave myself away like a piece of meat? And for money, of all things.

“Jade. You’re stalling.” Lou also took his sunglasses off.

“You know there’s some kind of bride contest going on over there on Cloud Nine, right?” I glanced around the group with my head down. “I kinda agreed to be one of the brides.”

“Why would you do that?” Charlie demanded. “Do you like him?”

“I don’t know him. I never asked who it was.” I took a few deep breaths. “Look, things have been bad around here. You guys just got here, and I appreciate you, but I had to do something.”

“This was the something?” Lou argued. “You just give yourself to them, for what? Money?”

“Lou, she’s done the best she could.” Gunner pulled me to him for a hug. “I’ve been through this before with Solitaire. They will be good to you. They always are.”

“What else was part of the deal?” Robert asked. “Are you just competing or have you already agreed to marry him?”

“I only agreed to participate, and for that Mrs. Hawthorne sent her private plane to bring Dad and Moose to the best facility in the country.” I smiled to each of them. “She is paying for his whole rehab and the marina repairs.”

“That’s not enough.” Lou turned away, then turned back. “Is there anything else?”

“Lou, relax. We’re gonna be there, she’ll be alright. Besides, she’s a tough girl.” Gunner nodded towards the office. “Let’s go inside and talk about some things going on in there.”

Me and Gunner went into the office. I looked around at the walls where someone had taken everything down.

“Looks like you’re renovating in here, too. That wasn’t part of the plan.” I went behind the counter. “At least our old cash register is still here.”

“I’d never get rid of that thing. It’s like fifty years old.” Gunner chuckled. “Besides, I noticed your name carved into the side.”

“I forgot I did that. It has to stay.” I sat on the stool. “Am I making a mistake?”

Gunner walked over and leaned his big arms on the counter. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes and I said nothing to interrupt his thoughts. I really needed to know from him since he’d been through this.

“You did the best you could. The Hawthornes are great people, regardless of whether they have money or not.” He pushed away from the counter. “He’s a fine man. I know it doesn’t seem like it with all the partying, but he’s a good guy. I’m proud of you for giving of yourself for your dad.”

I went around the counter and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re just a big teddy bear.” I paused. “Thank you for saying that.”

“What are you two doing in here. We need to talk about more stuff.” Charlie leaned against the door. “Who is going to run this marina if you’re gonna go play on that island?”

“I was thinking you could run it for me, Charlie. You and the others, if they want to, as well.” I nodded. “I can’t think of any better people than you guys.”

“What do we have to do?” Lou asked, coming in the door. “I can take people out fishing.”

“I can take people out diving and snorkeling.” Robert pushed his way into the office. “I’m not much on the sissy snorkeling, but I can show people how to do it.”
