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“I personally picked this room for you. It has the best view, although Sawyer and Asher designed the house to have views from every room.” Victoria opened a set of French doors. “As for the first question, I picked you because I think you are perfect for Sawyer.”

“We don’t get along. At all.” I sat on the edge of the bed. “How could this possibly work?”

“You got off to a bad start. You both acted foolishly.” She held her hand up to stop me. “Before you say it, I know he started it by telling everyone you pushed him, but you immediately misjudged him just because he has money.”

I started to argue, then stopped. Victoria took a seat on the balcony, right at the door. I appreciated that she was giving me time to think it through.

She didn’t lie. I didn’t even ask who. She did try to talk to me, but I just said yes so I could get Dad taken care of. Ugh, she’s right.

I walked out on the balcony and took a seat across from her.

“Do you want to go home?” she asked before I could speak.

No, you’re right. I’ll stay.”

“Good, dear. He’ll grow on you. If you let down that guard with him like I see you do with others, I think you two just might have a good time together.” Victoria’s smile was so kind and inviting. “Besides, you don’t have to marry him. He may not even pick you.”

“That’s a fair point. You did say I just had to compete, for lack of a better word.” I nodded, feeling better already. “I’ll just help the other girls be the girl for him.”

“Now that is smart thinking. Get to know him, then you can know what to tell the others,” Victoria said. “I heard from the facility that your father had a rough afternoon but is doing better now. Did they call you?”

“Yes, Alison let me know. Thank you again, Victoria, for all of this.” I looked into the room. “One thing I forgot to talk to you about-- I have no idea what I’m supposed to wear.”

“Now that is a much better conversation, and one I enjoy.” Victoria stood. “Let’s go see what’s in your closet.”

“I haven’t unpacked yet. Actually, where is my suitcase?” I looked around for it. “I’ll just run down and get it.”

“I’m completely certain that you have already been unpacked. Check the closet.” Victoria pulled drawers out on the dresser. “I see your bathing suits here.”

“I’m unpacked? Like, someone went through my stuff?” I asked, a little annoyed. “That’s kinda strange.”

“It’s just how things are done in our world. You have your own crew member, Nellie. She will be at your beck and call.”

“For what?” I asked, looking around the big closet with all my clothes hung up. “She hung up my t-shirts. Wait, she ironed and hung them up.”

“That would be part of her job, so yes, she may have done that. Jade, forget about that. Let’s see what you have for clothes. I can always ask Gunner to bring something from your closet at home.”

“I didn’t bring a lot with me when I came home. You don’t need nice clothes at a marina.” I held the closet door open for her to look. “See? Jeans and t-shirts and a few shorts. No wait, I forgot, I brought one sun dress with me.”

“What you have here is perfect. You wont need anything more than this.” Victoria turned away from the closet. “What about your hair?”

“My hair? Do I need to do something?” I looked in the mirror. “I usually just wear it pulled back like this at work. Otherwise, it gets in the way.”

“Maybe try wearing it loose once in a while. But you have a very pretty face, so pulled back works for you.” Victoria walked to the door. “I’ll be in my suite. I’m #6 if you need anything. Now do your homework.”

I have homework?

I walked around the room, looking at everything. The designer had island chic down to perfection. Most people got carried away with trinkets, but this was nice. On my walk around I found a packet of papers on the table.

Ah, my homework. Very funny, Victoria. She’s sneaky, I’m gonna have to keep an eye on her.

Chapter 78


Two hours later, I was feeling restless to get this show on the road. I had Josh notify the girls it was time to get together and to meet on the patio. I pulled my cell out and called my aunt.

“Are you ready to come down for dinner or do you need more time?” I asked and went on. “I’m feeling antsy, so I had Josh get the girls.”
