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“Before everyone goesoff to bed. Can we all agree to a game of beach volleyball around ten in the morning?” I sat on the lounger next to Asher. “Then, maybe, a ride on the jet skis after?”

“Will every minute of our time be occupied with activites?” Sarah downed her wine in one chug. “I only ask because it would be heaven to fit in a massage. Other than that, I’m game.”

“Ten a.m. works for me. I’m off to get a shower and cuddled up in that enormous bed.” Jade stood and yawned. “See? Sorry, I know I’m being a bummer. Good night.”

“Jade, do you mind if I walk with you? I want to talk to you about something.” I stood, preparing to follow her. “It’ll just take a few minutes.”

“Sure, come on.” Jade nodded with her head and started walking. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go, Fancy Yacht Boy.”

“Are you ever going to stop with that?” I chuckled and caught up with her. “Oops, hold on a second.”

“I’m off to bed after I speak with Jade, so good night,” I said from where I stood away from them. “Don’t let Asher keep you out here too late.”

I turned back and hurried over to where Jade stood waiting. I didn’t really have anything I needed to talk to her about. I just wanted to talk to her. We walked in silence for a minute before she interrupted my thinking.

“You wanted to talk to me?” she asked. “This is where I get off, so what did you need?”

Come on, think. There must be something you can ask. Don’t ask about her dad, that might upset her. Shoot, what can I say here?

“Sawyer?” Jade had opened the door to her suite. “Did you have something to ask me?”

“Nothing important. Mostly, I wanted an escape from the beach. I’m really tired.” I lied.

“The girls are pretty nice. I’m sure if you had just told them that they would have understood.” Jade leaned against her open door. “You don’t want to start out lying to your wife-to-be. You should be able to say anything.”

“I wanted to ask why you pushed me off on Nadia earlier?”

“Did that bother you?” Jade cocked her head to the side. “I’m sorry if that was overstepping. I just thought she looked miserable, and you do need some alone time with each girl. So, I helped you out by suggesting it.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I appreciate that thought process.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I guess I was concerned you were thinking you had to help fix me up with one of them.”

“I wasn’t trying to do that. I was more trying to help her. Besides, if these girls don’t get comfortable here, then you may miss your chance at a happy ending.” She flipped her light switch on just inside the door. “Sawyer, don’t over-think everything. Just go with it.”

“I guess you’re right. But so you know, I’m taking this thing seriously. Just because I have fun stuff planned doesn’t mean I’m not looking for someone to have a full life with outside of playtime.” I got serious and stared at her. “I’m not the Fancy Yacht Boy you think I am.”

“That’s fair. I’ve had a chance to see a different side of you over the last few weeks. I suppose I’ve been having too much fun teasing you.” She smiled. “I thought you could handle the teasing, but I can stop if it bothers you.”

“Uh, that’s not what I’m saying. I can tease with the best of them.”I backed up and leaned against the wall. “I don’t think I’m explaining myself correctly.”

“All is well, Sawyer. How could it not be? We’re on Cloud Nine.” She walked into her room and looked back. “Good night, Fancy Yacht Boy.”

Chapter 83


What the heck was that all about?

The moon was hanging in the sky right outside my balcony as perfectly as if it had been painted there just for me. I stood on the balcony watching it for a few minutes, then went to get a hot shower. I had white sugar sand in between my toes and in my hair.

How did it get in my hair?

As beautiful as the bathroom was when I peeked in earlier, I hadn’t yet looked at the shower set-up. I let out a sigh of relief when I found that it was a normal shower with normal on and off. On my walk from the balcony, looking at all the gadgets and modern technology, I seriously feared a shower I wouldn’t know how to turn on.

Thank the Lord for normal.

I slipped out of my shorts and slowly stepped into the hot shower. The glass was fogged so it was possible it would boil me, but it was the perfect temperature. All my products had been placed in the shower right at my fingertips, including my razor for shaving. I looked around for a spot to put my foot up so I could shave my shin area. There, in front of me, was a tub spout. It was a perfect height for shaving, but it intrigued me what a tub spout was doing in a shower. I’d have to ask tomorrow. I was drying off when a light knock came at my bedroom door.

“Hold on just a minute,” I yelled from the bathroom, grabbed a fuzzy white robe that was hanging on a hook, then went to the door.
