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“I told you I can’t sing. You do a solo.” I waved her off and sat in the sand, kicking off my shoes. “Maybe I’ll sing with someone after.”

“I’ll sing with you.” Asher dropped to the sand next to me. “What did you girls do with my cousin?”

“We didn’t do anything, it was Jade. She suggested he go flying with Nadia.” Sarah looked up to the sky. “They’re out there somewhere, watching a romantic sunset.”

“It’s only one sunset, Sarah.” I chuckled at the sad look on her face. “If you didn’t want them to go you could have invited yourself along.”

“I didn’t want to go with them. Besides, this is gonna be more fun.” Sarah closed the book. “Got it. Josh, how do I put the song I want on?”

“Hey Josh, give me the book.” Asher waved him over. “Jade and I are going to do a duet.”

“You’re pretty confident, aren’t you?” I shoved him with my shoulder. “Did you forget I’m here for Sawyer?”

“I didn’t forget, but there’s no harm in having a little fun while he’s off with a different bride-to-be.” Asher motioned for Josh to start the song for Sarah.

We sat on the beach listening to Sarah and Tina sing a little bit of everything from Tom Petty to Brittney Spears, until they ran over to pull me off the sand. Asher laid back and laughed.

“You think this is funny? Get up here and sing. Actually, let’s all sing something together.” I grabbed the other girls’ hands and pulled them over. “Pick whatever song you want that we can all sing.”

“Oh, I know. What about spice girls?” Tina said, excited. “No wait, there’s only three of us.”

“We need a song that Asher can join in on.” I looked through the book. “Here, let’s do Sweet Home Alabama.”

We all agreed, and Tina pulled Asher up off the sand. Josh started the karaoke, then stood off to the side, tapping his foot.

“Hold on.” I ran over and grabbed Josh by the arm. “Come on, you too.”

The words popped up on the screen and we all began.

“Sweet Home Alabama. Where the skies are so blue. Sweet Home Alabama. Lord, I’m coming home to you.” We all stopped singing when Sawyer and Nadia stepped out onto the beach and stared at us. All except Asher, who kept singing. Josh immediately left to stop the karaoke machine.

“Don’t stop, that was great.” Sawyer waved for Nadia to follow him. “Nadia do you want to sing too?”

“No, I don’t sing, but I will watch.” Nadia went back to the edge of the patio to sit in a chair.

I pointed to Josh to start the song again and waved him back over to join us. Josh shook his head no until I nudged Sawyer.

“Josh, come on back over,” Sawyer called out. “Can I join in too?”

“Nope, you have to get your own song.”

Chapter 82


We all took turns singing karaoke out on the beach until well past ten o’clock. At some point before that, I noticed Nadia had left the patio. I’d nearly forgotten about Rebecca, but I had a feeling she wouldn’t have enjoyed this either.

“Let’s have a drink.” I motioned for Josh to turn off the music. “Unless you want dessert?”

“Drinks are good for me. Wine helps me sleep, so red wine, please,” Sarah asked of Josh.

“And you, Miss Jade?” Josh asked, all serious again.

“Just water for me, Josh,” she said, plopping down in a lounger next to Asher. “What are you drinking?”

“Believe it or not, I’m drinking water. It’s usually something else, but tonight was fun without alcohol.” Asher grinned. “Thanks.”

I watched Asher and Jade talking and smiling. I felt jealous, but I knew I shouldn’t. Jade wasn’t new here like the others and Asher was entertaining. He would never try to steal my girl, but I had a feeling Jade had an agenda.
