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“I don’t think anything makes you tired,” Sarah joked. “You’re like the Energizer Bunny.”

“We have to get back to the marina. It’s been fun. Tomorrow’s the big expedition.” Gunner grabbed the pack he always carried. “A night of rest might be just what they need.”

“I’m going to walk them out to the plane,” Jade said, and left to follow the guys.

“What about the you, Nadia?” I asked. “Would you like the night off as well?”

“I wouldn’t have complained, and I don’t need it, but I’ll take it,” Nadia smiled. “I’m having a good time and looking forward to the expedition tomorrow.”

“I’m glad. See you in the morning.”

I walked around the pond, then walked the beach all the way to the path for the next day. I had three women here to decide on for my wife and, as unfair as it might be, I only had one stuck in my mind. I heard an ATV engine coming in my direction, so I walked out on the beach to see who it was.

“Sawyer, it was getting late. I thought I should come look for you, in case you were lost.” Josh motioned for me to get on the back with him. “That, and Marcus has your dinner ready. You don’t want to make him mad.”

“Josh, what would I do without you?” I got on the ATV.

When we got back, I told Josh to bring my dinner to my room. I made my way to my room through a quiet house. A hot shower and dinner and maybe an early night of sleep was what I needed to make some decisions.

“Sawyer. I have your dinner,” Josh knocked on the door.

“Come on in, Josh,” I called, coming out of the bathroom. “Hey, Josh, I know you’ve been paying attention and you’ve been with me for a long time now.”

“Yes, since you got out of college.” Josh placed my food on the table. “Did you have a question?”

“Which girl is right for me?”

“You have to make that decision, Sawyer, but I think you already know which one.” Josh backed out of the room. “Don’t over-think it.”

I sat on my balcony watching the lights across the water, thinking about each woman’s pros and cons. I was too restless with the time to choose approaching. I put on a bathing suit and went to go for a swim in the pool.

“Sawyer, it’s midnight. I thought you went to bed hours ago,” Josh said from his resting spot on the pool deck.

“I’ve been up, thinking. Thought maybe a swim would help.” I sat next to him. “You still not gonna help me?”

“I can’t tell you who to choose, but wouldn’t it be nice for the person to be near home?” Josh stood. “I’m off to bed. I have three women that will need me in the morning.”

“Three? You mean four.” I kicked off the slippers I’d worn downstairs. “You must be tired.”

“No, I meant three. Miss Jade never needs anything. Good night, Sawyer.” Josh flipped the fountains on in the pool and left.

I was swimming casual laps in the pool when Asher dove in from the other end.

“What are you doing back so early?” I asked when he surfaced.

“It wasn’t as much fun without my wing man.” Asher wiped water out of his eyes. “Why are you out here swimming so late?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” I swam to the side of the pool.

“It’s been happening to me a lot lately.” Asher swam over to me.

“You haven’t been drinking.” I laughed. “So, in turn, you haven’t been passing out ‘til morning.”

“You make a good point. Listen, I wanted to apologize about Rebecca, and even Tina. They aren’t good picks.” Asher clung to the side of the pool. “I hope I haven’t messed you up.”

“It’ll work out. I trust your mother and she picked the other three.” I grabbed a float and hung from it. “Well, the other two. I get the feeling Jade is trying to convince me to pick one of the others.”

“My mother is a witch. I keep telling anyone who will listen.” Asher shook his head. “One of those girls she picked will be your wifey.”
