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“Man, I shouldn’t have come out with you when you were making it,” I said.

“Hey, I thought I’d go today. Did they leave already?” Asher ran up to us. “Darn, I wanted to tag along.”

“They went in pairs, so you would need your own partner,” Gunner said.

“I can go alone. Give me one of those maps.” Asher looked down at his outfit. “Do you have more of those outfits for me?”

“Yeah, I figured you’d come out.” I pointed to a backpack on my ATV. “Better hurry and change, they’re way ahead of you.”

“Maybe Ishouldhave a partner, though.” Asher looked around to the guys. “Charlie, you weren’t here when they made it, were you?”

“I’ll go with you, kid, but you have to figure the map out because, that, I do know.” Charlie got off his ATV. “Wish me luck.”

I went ahead and caught up with Nadia and Tina. Nadia was walking around looking at clues that were on the map while Tina leaned against a tree. If Tina didn’t pull her weight, Nadia might just leave her in the bush alone.

“I’ll be back to check on you again. Tina, you better go help,” I called out as I drove off. “It’s about being a good partner.”

“I don’t want to be a good partner to her,” I heard her yell.

I sped off to find the other girls, but they weren’t where I thought they’d be. I called Gunner.

“I can’t find Jade and Sarah. Did they get lost already?” I asked.

“No, they’re flying through this. If they keep this up, they’ll be at the huts in an hour.” Gunner laughed. “I should have known the Admiral’s daughter would know maps.”

“She’s pretty special like that.”

Chapter 91


Ilooked over the map and recognized some symbols my dad had used on maps for me as a kid when we would have treasure hunts.

“Sarah, we have to go this way. I think up ahead we’ll find bikes.” I ran in the direction of the trail on the map. “Yeah, I was right, come on.”

“How did you know that?” Sarah ran up to me. “So are we supposed to take these bikes?”

“Yeah, they said anything goes.” I looked around for Gunner, knowing he was watching from somewhere. “If I’m reading this correctly, we have to bike about a mile through this way and then we’ll find a water station.”

“Good, because I already drank half my water. I’ll follow you.” Sarah jumped on a bike. “Do you think there are any dangerous animals out here?”

“I doubt it, but we’re safe. The guys are in the bush watching us.” I sped past her on my bike.

We went down a dirt trail for a quarter mile when I spotted the wood walkway. I turned onto it just as Sawyer came through the bush on an ATV.

“Hey, you guys are doing great. Are you having fun?” Sawyer turned and rode next to me on the wood walkway.

“I’m great, ask Sarah.” I pedaled faster. “Don’t slow her down talking either, or I’m leaving her here with you.”

“Don’t leave me, Jade. I want to win, too.” Sarah caught up with me. “He’s cute but I want to be the first ones there.”

“This is a nice walkway. We should come back and go slower.” I looked around. “There’s at least twenty species of parrots on all these islands.”

“That explains the loud birds I hear every morning when I open my balcony.” Sarah smiled. “Now I want to see them.”

“Keep your eyes open for them but watch where you’re pedaling, too.” I held my hand up to stop. “I think the water station is behind those trees.”

“I’ll go look since you’re reading the map.” Sarah jumped off her bike and ran to look behind the trees. “Yeah, it’s over here.”
