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“I’m missing something. There has to be a way.” I looked around for Gunner. “I think we have to walk in this water.”

Surely, if going into this water was wrong or dangerous, Gunner would stop us.

“Can you swim?” I asked Sarah. “Wait, I have a better idea.”

I walked over to a pile of bamboo trees that were laying on the ground. I looked around and smiled.

Thanks for teaching me this floats, Dad.

“Sarah, come over here.” I started pulling two logs out of the pile. “We can each bring one of these-- into the water.”

“Why?” Sarah helped me pull smaller logs out.

“Because its bamboo and bamboo floats,” I smiled. “That’s our way across this water to get to the destination quicker.”

“You’re a genius.” Sarah picked up her bamboo and carried it behind me. “Can these watch things get wet?”

“I’m gonna say yes,” I said. “Those guys are marines. They wouldn’t have something that couldn’t get wet.”

We walked slowly into the water. It was only about three feet deep, so we could walk it, but I was glad we had the bamboo when the water got to five feet deep. I could sense that Sarah was a little nervous, so we chatted about silly things, like what we’d be having for dinner and if we’d win a prize. We were halfway across the water when I spotted what had to be what the symbol on the map meant.

“Look over there.” I pointed to kayaks leaning against a tree at the edge of the water. “We should get them in case this gets deeper.”

“Deeper I’d be alright with. I was thinking though, what if this water is open to the ocean and sharks could get in here?” Sarah kicked faster, scaring herself.

“It’s possible, but I doubt it.” I followed her onto the shore by the kayaks. “We’re almost there.”

A quick drink of water to rinse out the saltwater mist, and away we went. Gunner was standing on the other side clapping his hands as we approached, and right next to him was Sawyer.

“Did we win? Or, I mean, did we get here first?” Sarah asked.

“You did it, girls. You not only got here first, you found the secret path.” Sawyer smiled ear to ear.

“That was so much fun, and we won.” Sarah ran around, cheering. “I wanna do it again.”

“We should get to the final destination first, don’t you think?” I laughed when Sarah hugged me. “I want to see what’s over here.”

“Sawyer, walk with me. I wanna tell you all about it. Did you do it?” Sarah grabbed him by the arm and started walking.

Chapter 92


“They did it,” I said to Gunner while we clapped along with Lou and Charlie when we reached the huts. “She may have had an advantage.”

“She still had to figure it out and be brave enough to go with it.” Gunner laughed. “I’m wondering how she got Sarah to do it.”

“She just might be a good partner for you,” Gunner said, still smiling at Jade.

“Yeah, Sarah’s a nice girl. She liked doing that,” I agreed.

“I wasn’t talking about Sarah, boy.” Gunner shook his head.

Jade walked back over to where we stood and looked to Gunner. “What?”

“Your dad would be so proud of you and, right now, I’m proud of him for teaching you.” Gunner nodded for us to walk.

“Yeah, he’s been teaching me every kind of map since I was old enough to sit up on my own.” I walked next to him. “Where are the other girls?”
