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“Yes, each hut has an outside shower but, if you don’t want to use that, you can go on the yacht to clean up,” I said. “We didn’t get indoor showers finished before now.”

“I kinda like the outside shower, myself,” Asher said, joining us at the fire. “Frozen drinks. Looks like I got out here just in time.”

Jade and Nadia both excused themselves to get showered and changed, so I took that opportunity to do the same. Twenty minutes later I was back at the fire at the same time as Jade.

“Josh just messaged me that dinner is on its way out here. Where are the other girls?” I sat on a log by the fire.

“Sarah took her stuff and went to the yacht.” Asher rolled his eyes at me. “Nadia just hasn’t come back.”

Sarah came out just before dinner, but Nadia still hadn’t returned. I sent Josh to check on her. He reported back that she was sound asleep with her lights off.

“I’ll bring a tray of food to leave in her hut for when she wakes up,” Josh said.

We sat around the fire enjoying dinner, talking about the expedition. Asher admitted he wimped out but that he would try it again when we got back. Lou and Charlie said they were going to change the map and add some routes for fun while we were gone.

“What’s the next part of this?” Sarah spoke out. “The yacht is here and I know we’re sailing at some point, but what’s the rest of the plan for our last week?”

“We will sail out of here in the morning and take three days to get up to New York City.” I looked to see if either girl didn’t like the idea. “When we arrive, we will be attending one of the Hawthorne family charity events.”

“Sounds like fun. Do we get to dress up and look pretty?” Sarah asked. “Wait. I didn’t bring a dress for something as fancy as a Hawthorne charity event. Will we have time to shop?”

“Oh, you girls will have a great time. My sister and sisters-in-law will be dragging you around the city, buying dresses and getting makeovers.” Asher stretched. “You’ll be princesses for a night.”

“I suppose this is to see if we fit in with your society side?” Jade asked, then looked to Sarah. “What do you know about these events, Sarah?”

“I only know what I read. These events bring out the big guns. Everybody who’s anybody attends them.” Sarah’s eyes grew wider with excitement. “I’ve always wanted to go to one.”

“You’ll be getting your chance, then.” Asher chuckled. “It’s not what you think it is. There will be a lot of stuck-up people there.”

“That reminds me-- I need you both to not tell anyone what we’re doing, this whole buy-a-bride-thing.” I winced when I heard it myself. “I’m sorry, I’m not ashamed, but if the press finds out you will be hounded all night, and not in a good way. That, I promise.”

“I don’t care, as long as I get to go and wear a pretty gown.” Sarah yawned. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

“I think I’ll go, too.” Jade also stood. “Sarah, hold on, I’ll walk with you.”

“They’re becoming friends. How will you choose just one of them, cous?” Asher asked.

Chapter 93


Bright and early next morning, a crew member was at my door asking to help me pack. I’d already packed, so I let them in to get my bags and followed them to the yacht. I’d been looking forward to seeing the rest of it. I also wondered how the other girls would do, being on a boat for days on end. Even on a yacht this size, it had its challenges.

“Good morning, Miss Jade,” Marcus said when I wandered into the galley. “I knew you would find your way here, sooner or later.”

“I’m not staying. I know it’s not allowed. I’m just sightseeing.” I took an apple out of a bowl on the bar top. “I can’t promise I won’t be back tonight, though.”

“Nadia, how are you today? I was worried when you didn’t come back after showering last night,” I said when I found her on the deck. “Are you feeling better?”

“I’m better, yes. Jade, do you like him?” Nadia blurted out. “I can see Sarah over there falling all over him, but I don’t see you doing that, like I don’t.”

“I’m not the fall-all-over-a-person type of girl.” I looked over, watching Sarah and Sawyer laughing. “He seems to like it. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t think I’m the right person for him.” Nadia blocked the sun from her eyes. “If he had only gotten me as his mail-order bride, then we could have made it work with all of our similar interests. But seeing him with you and her, I don’t think I should be here anymore.”

“What do you mean with me?” I asked. “He doesn’t act different with me.”

“I see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. I believe you are the girl he wants, but you don’t show him any special attention. Why is that?” Nadia pushed for answers.
