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I knew that guy wasn’t a nice person. I’m not selling, but what am I going to do?

I started the engine, untied the ropes, and pulled away before he could back. I had a few minutes to myself to think on the ride over.

Great, it’s Asher again. I don’t have the energy for this guy right now.

“Good morning, Jade. Don’t you just love the water at this hour of the morning?” Asher grinned. “You coming in for breakfast?”

“Sorry, I need to get back. You enjoy it, though. It’s a beautiful day,” I called out to him from the helm. “Can you let them know I’m here?”

“Believe me, they know you’re here. All that blonde hair can’t be missed behind the steering wheel.” Asher pushed his sunglasses up to his forehead. “One of these visits I’ll get you to stay.”

“You never know.” I reached for my ringing cellphone. “Hello, this is Paradise Cay, can I help you?”

Thankfully, I was able to transfer the marina calls to my cell. I’d hoped the call was the electric company calling back with a compromise.

“Thank you, we are still on schedule for noon,” I answered the man calling to confirm the trip today.

“Miss Campbell, welcome back to Cloud Nine. Do you need me to have this guy removed from the dock?” He put his arm across Asher’s shoulders. “He’s like a mouse-- kinda cute, but still a nuisance.”

“Interesting description. I didn’t think you’d know what a cute mouse looks like,” I called out to him. “Don’t you pay someone to keep those cute furry critters away?”

“We pay for a lot of things, getting rid of critters might be one of them.” Asher hid behind his sunglasses. “How about a cup of coffee, at least?”

“Asher, leave this busy girl alone. She has real work to do,” Aunt Victoria scolded him. “Be useful and go chase Murphy out here.”

“Sawyer, you really need to keep him away from visitors.” Aunt Victoria put her hand out for his help onto the boat. “I’ll speak with you tomorrow. I was thinking Bond might have some great ideas for the treasure hunt.”

“Is that the big scary guy that was at the charity ball with Imogen and August?” he asked, letting go once she was on board. “Here comes Murphy now.”

“Good morning, Victoria. The air conditioner is on if you’d rather ride inside.” I walked over to greet her. “Or you can sit out here and enjoy the morning breeze.”

“I’ll sit out here with you, but Murphy will lay down inside.” Victoria looked to Sawyer helping Murphy onto the boat. “Sawyer, I’ll speak with Bond and get back with you.”

“Thanks, Aunt Victoria. I’ll keep an eye on this one for you,” Sawyer and Asher both laughed and pointed at the other.

“Miss Campbell, thank you for your prompt service,” Sawyer said.

I pulled the boat away from the dock but got one last glance at Sawyer and Asher before they were out of site.

Those two have no idea what the real world is like.

“They’re not so bad, you know,” Victoria said from the bench seat next to me. “My son is almost a lost cause, overindulged as the baby. But Sawyer is a really solid man.”

No, he’s an arrogant windbag. Well, I can’t say that.

“You would know him better than me.” I looked straight ahead, steering. “Is he always so full of himself?”

“Asher? Yes. Sawyer? No,” Victoria answered. “How’s your father today, Jade?”

“They’ve been keeping him sedated to get through the withdrawal symptoms, but they’re waking him this afternoon, so we shall see.”

“Withdrawals? Is it alcohol or drugs?” Victoria asked bluntly. “Sorry to be nosy, but I’ve had some of that on my mother’s side of the family. It can be very difficult.”

“He’s ex-marine, hence the name Admiral, but he’s been dealing with PTSD and the loss of my mother, so he went downhill fast with alcohol,” I blurted out without realizing I was sharing sensitive information. “This injury might have been a blessing in disguise.”

“How long ago did you leave your career to come help him?” Victoria leaned back with her face to the sun. “How long can you be gone from your job?”

“I took a leave of absence for three months and I’ve now been here for three months.” I steered the boat into my dock. “It’s decision time, I suppose.”
