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“Can you run the marina by yourself?” Victoria explained herself. “Clearly, you are capable. I mean, can you? Do you even want to?”

“I can and I will do whatever I have to so my dad can come back to the marina after he gets sober.” I jumped off and tied to the dock. “If you wouldn’t mind, I need to run ahead and speak with that man. I’ll be right back to help with your bags.”

I cut Mr. DeLuca off before he got all the way to the boat. “Why are you on my property again?”

“I told you I’d be back with the city with all the code violations.” Mr. DeLuca sneered at me. “This is your last chance to sell and make some money, although I think my offer will be half of what I offered an hour ago.”

“It’s not for sale. Get off my land,” I said through gritted teeth. “You will never, ever, have this marina.”

“Miss Campbell, thank you for the ride on your boat.” Victoria walked up behind me. “I’m so glad we could come to a financial agreement about the marina. Should we finish the plans in your office?”

“Mrs. Hawthorne, yes, I’ll meet you inside.” I played along, not knowing what she was up to. “Goodbye, Mr. DeLuca.”

“What financial agreement?” DeLuca demanded. “You sold to her?”

“I’m Victoria Hawthorne, and not that it’s any business of yours, but this marina is getting a complete overhaul by the Hawthorne Foundation.” Victoria stood directly in front of his face. “I believe Miss Campbell asked you to leave the property. Don’t make me call my security team in.”

“I’m not concerned about your so-called security team. I have business with Miss Campbell, so stay out of it,” DeLuca barked, then stopped. “Did you say Hawthorne, as in Hawthorne Foundation?” Hawthorne Construction?”

“Amongst other things, yes. This marina is no longer any concern of yours as the Hawthornes have our name on it.” Victoria never wavered in her stance. “You have thirty seconds to leave. I’m sure you’ve figured out by now I’m not faking, Mr.…?”

“Mr. DeLuca. I have his business card in the office,” I added, now realizing what she was doing. “He’s been harassing me.”

“Jade, give the police a call and then Mr. DeLuca can decide if he wants to deal with them or my security team.” Victoria dialed Bond on facetime. “Bond, please let this gentleman know how I feel about trespassing, and what you will do to make me feel safer.”

Mr. DeLuca went a couple of shades of grey as Victoria turned her cell toward him with Bond taking up the whole screen. I covered my mouth to hide a smile, then watched him turn on his heels and almost run to the parking lot.

“Jade, how long has that awful man been bothering you?” Victoria walked closer to the boat. “Murphy, let’s go.”

“It just started a few days ago. He wants me to sell but, like I told you, it’s been in the family for a hundred years.” I put my hand up to help Murphy down. “Let me go grab your bags.”

“I have an idea that will benefit both of us, if you’re interested in hearing it.” Victoria walked alongside me. “It’s a crazy idea, so hear me all the way out.”

“Let’s hear it. I owe you that, at least, for scaring DeLuca away.” I pointed to a bad spot on the deck boards to step around. “Let me say first, though, that I’m not selling this marina.”

“I’m not interested in buying it, so we’re even, but what about if you got enough money to totally update the dock, buy new boats and touring equipment, and pay off all outstanding debts?” Victoria rushed on, probably sensing my shock. “Of course, also put your father in the very best rehab facilities in the country.”

“I suppose I’d ask you where your wand is, because that’s fairy godmother stuff right there,” I laughed. “Do you need a ride to the airstrip?”

“Yes, please, then we can keep talking.” Victoria leaned on the truck. “Murphy, lay down in the back while I speak with Jade.”

“I don’t quite understand what you’re offering.” I placed their bags in the back of the truck and climbed in. “Are you talking about a loan?”

“No, I’m talking about being a mail-order bride.”

“A what?”

Chapter 38


Ispent the rest of the afternoon on the phone placing orders for jet skis, kayaks, and snorkeling gear. I wanted to have enough for everyone to participate.

“Asher, I’m going over to the main island in about an hour. Do you want to come with me?” I asked when he plopped down in a chair beside me. “Why do you look so wiped out?”

“I’ve been working, and it’s exhausting,” he moaned with his head on the table. “How do people do this every day all year long?”

“Thank God no one is around to hear this. It’s embarrassing.” I shook my head and laughed at his fake misery. “Are you going to need a nap?”
