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“I understand. If he’s going to start being awake, will there be a need for pain medications?” I put my food on the chair. “And aren’t we worried about pain medications being a problem with substance abuse?”

“Yes, there are concerns, but it’s necessary.” Tommy walked closer and leaned against the windowsill next to me. “We’re going to need to talk soon about the plan for rehab for him.”

“I know Tommy, but it’s going to be expensive and with the marina failing, I don’t know.” I sat and leaned my head back. “I’ll figure it out, though. How soon will he need to start rehab?”

“Rehab on the leg needs to start right away. The rest of it, very soon, for his sake.” Tommy pulled some papers out of his coat pocket. “These are some inexpensive facilities. See what you think.”

“So, you think he needs to be in a facility instead of rehab at home?” I rubbed my temples.

“I do.”

“I know you’re right and I agree, but he’s not going to be easy. It can’t be me.” I curled the papers in my hands. “I’ll just have to figure out how to pay for it.”

Tommy left the room. I clicked the lights off and closed my eyes to think, until my cell rang in my pocket. I fumbled for it, trying to hurry out of the room.

Shoot, I forgot to put it on vibrate.

“Hello, this is Jade,” I said as quietly as I could to avoid disturbing my dad. “Hold on just a moment. Let me get where I can talk. You can talk, though, I can hear you.”

“It’s Victoria Hawthorne. I was calling to discuss the mail-order bride idea,” she said.

“I’m sorry. I’m going to need you to repeat that.” I half frowned, half smiled. “Can you say it again, please?”

“Is this a bad time?” Victoria asked.

“No, this is fine. I was trying to get out of my father’s room so I wouldn’t wake him.” I leaned against the wall at the end of the hall. “Anyway, you mentioned something as you were leaving, and I don’t know if I heard you right. What was it again?”

“Mail-order bride. It’s the best and fastest way to solve both of our problems.” Victoria paused for so long, I thought she’d hung up. “Should I go on?”

“I couldn’t stop you, even if I wanted to. The notion is so bizarre I have to hear it.” I walked to the family waiting room. “I don’t even know which question should be first.”

“Let me try to explain. There’s an agency that supplies brides for the wealthy.” Victoria stopped, then went on. “Actually, they provide brides for anyone but it seems to be turning into just the wealthy. But that’s not important to this conversation.”

“I’m listening. I still don’t understand it, but I’m listening. I mean, I understand the words, just not the concept.” I paced around the room. “Are you asking me to help you find a bride, or be a bride?”

Can she really be asking me to be a bride?

“Jade, the thing I like about you is you don’t take any garbage from my son or Sawyer,” Victoria went on. “You would be a perfect choice, and you need money, so I thought we could help each other.”

“I don’t need money that bad, Mrs. Hawthorne,” I replied. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but I can’t even wrap my mind around this.”

“Can I at least tell you what I can give you for your participation in this?” Victoria asked. “I know you want to get the best of care for your father and save your family marina.”

“Victoria, I don’t know.” I walked back toward my father room. “I need to go back to my father.”

“Alright, dear. He is the most important thing right now,” Victoria said soothingly. “You have my number if anything changes.”

“I appreciate your offer, I really do, but I have so much going on right now,” I apologized. “I hope you find someone.”

Chapter 40


The boatyard was as close and easy to find as Jade said it would be.

“Why didn’t we walk here?” I asked Asher.

“I don’t know, because you wanted to drive this old truck, for some reason, I guess.” Asher opened the door to get out. “Are they even open?”
