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“Miss Campbell, I had hoped you would have come to your senses by today,” Mr. DeLuca sneered as he walked closer. “You’re going to sell this marina to me. I’ll make sure of it.”

“That’s where you are wrong. I will never sell to you.” I pointed for him to leave. “You have five seconds to leave before I call the police.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m simply here to inquire about a slip at the dock.” DeLuca walked away, then stopped and stomped his foot on the dock “Looks like you have some real weak boards here. It’d be a real shame if someone else got hurt. Good luck with all of those code violations.”

I watched him leave, then went down to check the boats. It all seemed in order, but I still felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up around that guy. I went to the house to grab a quick shower and my notes on my last project at work.

I have to convince them there’s something worth researching out here.

I checked my cell for the time. It was after five and I needed to get back to Dad in time to meet with him and Tommy. I ran out of the house, grabbed the violation papers off the office door, and jogged back to the hospital.

“Hey, is Dr. Johnson here?” I asked, passing by the nurse’s station. “Never mind, I see him down the hall.”

“Tommy, do you have time now to talk about Dad?” I slowed my pace in front of him.

“Yeah, I was waiting on you to get back. He’s still having withdrawal symptoms. My concern is they could get worse again, as soon as he isn’t here on the medication that’s helping them.” Tommy waved for me to follow him to the family waiting room. “Listen, we need to move him to a rehab, sooner rather than later. There’s one military facility that I spoke with today that should be able to handle everything he needs.”

“But?” I rubbed at the side of my neck.

“But, I don’t feel confident in their ability to take care of all three issues.” Tommy cringed. “I hate saying it, because it’s a government hospital, but he has so much going on.”

“So, what are you not telling me, Tommy?” I dropped down in a chair. “It’s going to cost a lot of money, right?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I don’t want Admiral to lose any use of that leg, and I really don’t want him to be treated for just the alcohol or just PTSD.” Tommy sat next to me. “What about a loan?”

“It would take longer than we have, if I’m hearing you right.” I laid my head back against the wall. “I’ll figure it out. How soon will he need to go?”

“As soon as possible to get the jump on the withdrawals.” Tommy stood and put his hand out to help me up. “Go see your dad. I’ll make a few phone calls to see if the facilities I’d like him to go to have space, and if you can pay in arrears.”

“I could shut down the marina and go back to work while he’s away. That would help me make some money to cover this.” I followed Tommy into the hall. “If my job is available anymore.”

I spent the next two hours with my dad, having dinner and talking to him about the need for him to go to rehab. I was surprised that he wasn’t arguing about going. He was downright agreeable.

“Jade, I can’t be a burden for you anymore. I’m gonna do whatever’s needed to get better.” Dad patted my hand. “Now, go do what you need at the marina. I’m pretty tired.”

“Okay, Dad, I’ll see you in a few hours.” I kissed his cheek and left.

This time, walking back to the marina, I felt the weight of everything crashing in on me all at once. Tears welled up in my eyes and I swiped them away in anger.

Stop being weak. You can figure this out.

“Mrs. Hawthorne! I wasn’t expecting you today. Or, was I?” I froze when I walked up on her, sitting on the bench in front of the office. “Did I forget?”

“Good afternoon, Jade. No, you didn’t forget. I decided last minute to fly in.” Mrs. Hawthorne patted the spot next to her. “Are you alright, dear?”

“Not really, but I will be. I just need to rally.” I looked out toward the ocean. “What can I do for you?”

“I need a lift to the island, and I knew it was about time for you to bring the band over. So, I waited. Please call me Victoria.”

“I see his new boat is here. You get to be the first to cruise in it.” I smiled. “Would you like a bottle of water?”

“Sure, if you’re having one.” Victoria stayed on the bench. “I’m not in any hurry.”

I absentmindedly pulled the frig open to grab two bottles of water and turned to go back out.

They’re cold? How are they cold, the power is out?

It was then that I realized the lights were on, the air conditioner was running, and thank you, thank you…the water was cold. Smiling ear to ear, I rejoined Victoria on the bench. We both sat quietly drinking our water, looking out over the docks and the ocean.
