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“Can I grab a coffee?” I stretched and stood. “I can get you one, too.”

“As if I haven’t had at least three already this morning.” Tommy pretended to be jittery. “Check the table behind you.”

“Tommy Johnson, I love you,” I called to his retreating back.

I got in a few sips before Tommy came back. “That’s not the first time I’ve heard you say that. You really need to stop throwing yourself at me.”

“I was eight the last time I said that, and you liked it.” I sat my coffee down. “Talk to me.”

“I did like it. You were my girl for a whole week, but I have a wife now, so you need to let me go.”

“Get over here and talk to me.” I laughed at the serious face he was trying to keep. “Tell me what’s changed.”

“The Admiral is having daily and nightly withdrawal. We can continue controlling it, but I feel he needs to be in a proper facility.” Tommy paused. “I didn’t have a lot of luck with the better facilities. Did you have any luck?”

“No, I haven’t either. Nor have I figured out how to pay, so he might have to go to the VA hospital.” I groaned. “I can’t do that to him.”

“I hate to ask, but have you thought about selling the marina?” Tommy held up his hand to stop me from exploding, as he knew I would. “I’m just asking because I know you’re struggling and I know Admiral won’t be able to help for a long time.”

“I know you mean well, Tommy, but I just can’t let go of the family history. It’s all I have left of my mother, and I promised her.”

“I understand, Jade. I really do.” Tommy took my hand. “I’ll contact the military today to see when we can move him.”

“Alright. Will he be up soon for physical therapy?” I asked.

“The sedative will wear off soon, then he can eat and get in a little bit of therapy.” Tommy turned to leave. “Grab a shower and change your clothes, it might make you feel better.”

“I didn’t bring a change with me last night. I’ll shower and change later when he’s sleeping.” I waved bye to Tommy.

I picked through the basket from the bakery and found a blueberry muffin. I curled my legs up into the recliner, sipped my coffee, and nibbled on the muffin.

Maybe I should sell the marina.

Chapter 52


We enjoyed the rest of the evening, watching Asher and his friends’ antics. At one point, I joined in with their singing after Aunt Victoria went back to the yacht to sleep. Some time later, I made my way to the yacht to sleep as well.

“Good morning, Aunt Victoria.” I grabbed a danish from a tray next to the coffee. “Thanks for agreeing to sleep on the yacht last night.”

“Oh, Sawyer, that was no burden. This yacht is very luxurious and I slept like a baby.” Aunt Victoria motioned for me to sit. “Will you bring me to the marina, or should I wake my son?”

“Asher would probably want to take you, but I don’t think he’ll be alive enough to do that until tonight sometime,” I winced with apology. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be silly, I know my son well enough. So, to finish our discussion from last night, I will arrive next Friday to be here to help greet the girls.” She paused, then went on. “I’ll do my best to find a fifth girl, but you won’t have time to agree to her. Are we in agreement so far?”

“I’m on board for all of it. The huts will be completed by Tuesday and the designer has already been here for the house and the huts. Her team is ready to start on Wednesday,” I said. “You said Bond will be here this afternoon, so that’ll get handled. What’s left?”

“I’ll make a list for you and you can have Josh work on most of it. The rest I’ll have my assistant take care of.” She stood from the table. “I’m going to dress now, and you can bring me to the main island.”

“What time is your plane picking you up?” I asked, looking at my cell for the time. “I ask because I wondered if you want to do one more walk-through of the house?”

“We have time, I can always delay the plane. It’s not a packed airport, after all.” She walked to her stateroom.

I let Captain Jim know we’d be shoving off shortly and sent Josh to leave Asher a note that I was leaving my boat for him to get back, along with coffee and danishes for his guests. Aunt Victoria never was one to take a long time to get ready, so she was back within ten minutes and ready to leave.

“I thought about your suggestion and I agree, we should do a walk-through.” Aunt Victoria walked past me to the bridge from the yacht to the dock. “Let me say goodbye to Asher first. I’ll be right back.”
