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Minutes later, she returned and we shoved off. The walk-through of the house went quickly. She made voice notes in her cell, then we left.

“Your house is beautiful, Sawyer, so don’t be concerned. I just wanted to make sure the girls would be very comfortable. I mean, they’ll already be feeling out of place, so if they each have their own haven to escape to, that would be perfect.”

“I understand. You always know what’s best,” I agreed. “Maybe you can bring Murphy with you to help make the girls comfortable.”

“Sawyer, Murphy can be a handful, not unlike Asher, so I’m not completely sure she’d make them feel more comfortable. But I’ll speak with her.”

“Fair enough. Looks like we’re approaching the marina. I wonder how Admiral is doing. I was there yesterday and he was having some serious withdrawal symptoms.” I stood, leaning on the railing. “Looks like the seaplane is at the marina. I thought they were going to bring it to the island.”

We docked, and I saw someone working on the other dock. I excused myself and walked over to say hi to Jade, but it wasn’t Jade. It was Allen from the pub.

“Hey there, Mr. Hawthorne. Jade didn’t mention you were bringing the yacht in this morning, but I can help you with anything you need.” Allen stood, wiping his hands on a rag.

“Where is Jade this morning?” I asked.

“The Admiral is having a rough go of things, so she didn’t want to leave him.” Allen started putting tools back into the toolbox. “She’ll be around later when he goes back to sleep.”

“I appreciate the information, Allen. I need to go over and see George to find out why my seaplane got delivered here.” I pointed over to the plane.

“That’s not your plane. Some big scary-looking guy showed up in that with a couple more scary guys. They’re walking around here somewhere.” Allen gestured toward the other docks and the office. “I didn’t argue. They looked like they could hurt me with one finger.”

“Sounds like Bond got here early,” Aunt Victoria said from behind me. “Let me call him and see where he’s at.”

“I have to get back to the pub.” Allen waved bye.

“Good morning, Mr. Bond, this is Victoria Hawthorne. I’m here on the dock with my nephew if you want to meet us.” Aunt Victoria left a voice message. “I’m sure he’ll get that soon and meet us.”

“Did you know he was going to arrive in a seaplane? I wonder if he flew it himself.”

“Kellan might have sent him for me and arranged the plane. All I know is he was a marine or some kind of special forces. No idea if he knows how to fly.” Aunt Victoria nodded toward a group of four men walking in our general direction. “That’s an impressive group of men right there.”

“That’s a terrifying group of men right there.”

Chapter 53


Istayed in the hospital with my dad all morning until his physical therapy was over and he was sleeping. I needed to go check the marina and get a much-needed shower, along with a change of clothes.

“Cathy, I’ll be back in a few hours. You know how to reach me.” I paused to make sure his nurse heard me. “Try to have a good day.”

The marina loomed ahead like an ominous mountain. It had always been my happy place growing up. Now it just felt like a huge obstacle.

Whose plane is that?

“Morning,” Bobby yelled from his garage as I walked by.

“Hey Bobby, did you see who came in on that plane?” I stopped, looking out to the seaplane. “I don’t think that’s the Hawthorne new plane.”

“There were four big guys walking around the marina earlier talking with that guy with the big yacht.” Bobby joined me on the sidewalk. “How’s Admiral?”

“Honestly, he’s not doing great. It’s time for me to do something drastic and get him the help he needs.” I stood with my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

“I’m sorry, Jade. We’re here for you, whatever you decide to do.” Bobby opened his arms for a hug. “You don’t have to be alone in this.”

“I feel alone, Bobby. I have a career I enjoy but can’t do. I have the family marina to try and save, and then there is Dad,” I sighed. “Sorry to vent. Let me go see who owns that plane.”

“Call us later. We’ll come sit with you at the hospital,” Bobby called out when I walked away.
