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“He’s very happy with Poppy. He was our first one, too.” She laughed. “Who would have thought so many of you would find your wives this way.”

“Well, we’re all in the same situation with gold diggers and society women.” I ran around and helped her out of the plane. “We can’t all be as lucky as Uncle Henry and find a woman like you.”

“Oh, you do go on.” She took my hand and got out. “My driver is here already. I’ll email you details as I have them.”

We walked to her ride, said our goodbyes, then I walked the short distance to the hospital. I still had no idea why I felt compelled to go, but there I was.

Chapter 67


“We got real lucky and Tommy found you a facility in California that’s the best in the whole country.” I rushed on. “They can rehab the leg, the alcohol, and help with the PTSD.”

“What’s wrong with just doing it here. Or, at the VA hospital?” Dad demanded. “I need to be here to help with the marina.”

“No, Guy, you need to listen to your girl, here, and go get fixed up,” Gunner said from the door. “She needs you to do that for her.”

“Gunner, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Dad smiled ear to ear. “How did you find me?”

“Not just me. I brought these lugs with me.” Gunner stepped aside to let the others in the room. “We also brought your favorite pizza and a very good friend of yours.”

“Dr. Johnson, you might want to leave the room so you won’t have to plead the fifth when we get in trouble.” Lou put his hand out to shake with Tommy. “Charlie, bring in the Commander.”

Charlie reached out into the hall and pulled Moose by the leash into the room. Poor baby was shaking and growling at the same time.

“Moosie, come here, boy.” Dad patted the bed and Moose jumped up. “You don’t have to be afraid of this place. Here, have a cookie.”

“He’s already had a lot of cookies while I was baking all afternoon.” I laughed at Moose when he hid his face under the blanket. “How did you get him past security?”

“He’s a service dog for a retired military admiral, ma’am,” Charlie winked. “See, I have his papers right here.”

“Those look official to me, so I’m going to leave you men to your pizza.” Tommy stopped at the door. “You don’t have any alcohol hidden anywhere, do you?”

“Why, you thirsty?” Robert asked, stone-faced. “’Cause we can’t have alcohol in here with an alcoholic. You’ll have to wait ‘til you get home.”

“Sorry, I just needed to be sure. Goodnight gentlemen.” Tommy waved and left, closing the door behind him.

“Nice kid. Is he old enough to be a doctor?” Lou chirped.

“He’s old enough and smart enough, so knock it off.” I looked around for the pizza. “Where’d the pizza get to?”

“I thought you’d never ask. I got one with the works and one just cheese.” Robert held the box open for me to choose. “Guy, you still a cheese pizza purist?”

“Pizza doesn’t need all that stuff on it. Just give me a big slice.” Dad licked his lips, waiting. “You never answered how you found me. When did you get in town?”

“Admiral, we’ve been here for a few days and we’ve been here to visit with you,” Lou said, and the room fell silent.

“I had another episode of forgetting?” Dad looked to me for an answer. “Did anyone get hurt? Girlie, you okay?”

“You have episodes, Dad, and the facility can help you.” I tried to soothe him with a soft voice. “Then, after, you can come back and run the marina. It needs you.”

“Well, who’s gonna run it and do repairs if I go to this rehab place?” Dad argued. “You can swim and dive, but you don’t know engines.”

“That’s just it, Admiral. We’re gonna stick around and help out. Then, when you get better, we can sit out at night and wait for mermaids.” Charlie took a bite of pizza. “You and I know they’re real.”

I watched Dad as he broke a slice of pizza into bite-size pieces, then slipped them under the blanket to Moose. You couldn’t see him eating it, but you could see the cutest black and white tail wagging away out of the other side of the bed.

At least Moose will be happy with the men here while Dad is away.
