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“Why are you two looking at each other like you lost your best friends?” Dad asked, mid-bite. “Are you still friends?”

“Admiral, I’ll always be Jade’s friend, especially if she brings me more of these cookies.” Tommy wiped crumbs off his hands. “We need to discuss the plan for getting you rehab.”

“I thought that’s what that nice young man is doing when he comes in here making me move my leg,” Dad responded.

“Tommy means rehab for the alcohol, Dad,” I grabbed his free hand, “and the PTSD.”

“Mr. Campbell, you’ve come this far, I believe it’s important to continue down this path of getting away from the substance addiction.” Tommy took over. “You also have substantial PTSD, which can be associated with the alcoholism. They feed off of each other.”

“What is it you want me to do, Jade?” Dad took another cookie. “I don’t think the problem is as bad as all this worry on your faces.”

“It is, Dad,” I said. “Can you agree to at least try?”

“Tommy Johnson, are you saying you agree with her on this?” Dad asked.

“Yes, sir, I am agreeing. I’m going to leave the paperwork here for you two to talk about.” Tommy stood to leave. “If you agree, and you should, you would be leaving here tomorrow or the next day.”

“Leaving? Where am I going?” Dad demanded.

Chapter 66


“Asher, I’m sure you don’t want me here while you’re entertaining guests.” Aunt Victoria hugged him. “I’ll be back next Friday with the brides and you‘ll get sick of seeing me.”

“It’s happening that soon?” Asher poured himself a drink. “What about the walkways and all that?”

“I wanna go over the blueprints with you, then some of the Hawthorne construction crew are coming in to get it done,” I answered. “I’ll need to get engineering here in the morning, then push through any paperwork.”

“Money will always push that through. Are you not hiring locals like before?” Asher asked. “I can help with all of this tomorrow. Angelo and Mike are flying out in the morning.”

“I’m calling the Hawthorne engineer as soon as we’re done eating. I’ll fly him here tomorrow.” I pushed my paper notes aside. “Food is here, right on time.”

Josh brought a light chicken salad and fruit platter out. We all sat around talking about the last charity ball and the next one. Aunt Victoria never mentioned the brides-to-be going to the next event, and neither did I.

“Asher, when are you going to take your architectural flare seriously?” Aunt Victoria asked into the silence. “I saw the huts and Sawyer has shown me your ideas you added to the walkways. The solar power was a great addition. I think it’s time for the rest of the world to see what you can do.”

“All I did was add on to what they guys already figured out, but anytime you want to see some of the homes I’ve designed, I’d be happy to show you.” Asher started eating his salad. “The last one I did was just inArchitectural Design.”

“My assistant showed me the article. I wish you had,” she smiled. “Angelo, how are your parents?”

Asher and I exchanged glances. While Angelo went on to tell Aunt Victoria about his parents’ latest cruise around the world, Mike just nodded along with the conversation. I suspected he’d had too much to drink but didn’t want Aunt Victoria to know.

As if anything escapes her notice. She sees everything.

“If you don’t mind, I need to get back to New York. I have early morning meetings.” Aunt Victoria stood. “Tell Marcus the salad was delicious. Who’s flying me back to my plane?”

“I’ve been drinking, Mom. It might be best if Sawyer takes you.” Asher rubbed his neck. “Let me walk out with you, though.”

“I’d be happy to take you. I think I might stop in and see Admiral.” I stood from the table. “I’m gonna go change my clothes. I’ll meet you out there in five.”

Ten minutes later we flew away from the island. “Have you said anything about this to your parents yet?” Aunt Victoria asked.

“No, I don’t think they would care either way.” I pointed to a school of dolphins. “You can’t see that in New York.”

“You’re turning me into an island girl. They are so amazing to watch.” She watched from the window until they were out of sight. “I understand your thinking with your parents, but you should say something.”

“Nah, they can find out after the charity event in New York.” I landed at the marina. “I told Kellan, though. He was all for it.”
