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I rolled out of the bed and dragged myself into an already-hot shower. I never buzzed Cindy to do my hair. I instead pulled it back in a ponytail and went out to find breakfast.

“Good morning, Miss. Campbell. We should be landing in thirty minutes.” Cindy slipped out of the room from wherever it is she was hiding last night.

I picked at the food, mostly because I felt bad that Cindy had gone to the trouble of making it. My mind was on my father and how he was doing. I fished the card out of my pocket and called Alison.

“Good morning. I’m sorry to bother you already, but how is he?” I hurried, asking before she could say it was too soon. “I just need to know.”

“Jade, I said you can call me anytime and I meant it. He’s doing great,” Alison said. “He slept like a baby with Moose right next to him. He’ll be evaluated today so they can get a therapy plan in motion.”

“Thank you again, Alison. Tell him I love him.” I hung up and went to a seat by the window.

“We’re landing shortly. If you could put your seat belt on, I can let the pilot know we’re ready.”

The water, from above, was the most gorgeous shades of blue. I missed being out on the water studying, but being at the marina was a pretty close second. We flew over Cloud Nine, and I could see equipment and lots of people on the dense side. I was still trying to figure out what they were doing when the marina appeared below me.

Oh my God. What has happened?

Chapter 72


Ihadn’t been to the main island in days. The men went every day and gave me updates on the progress. Lou admitted that Jade was a little mad at the construction on the docks without her being there, but that she was excited to be able to send pictures to the Admiral.

“Sawyer, I’ll be arriving Friday morning with the girls. Are you ready?” Aunt Victoria asked when she called. “Did the walkway get finished?”

“It’ll be done tomorrow. The activites are finalized and I’m so glad this is finally happening,” I answered. “I forgot to ask you, whatever happened with getting a fifth girl?”

“I thought I told you. I found someone, so you’re all set with the five you requested,” she said. “Now, the charity event is set and in motion, what about the get-together with family there on the island?”

“I called Kellan but, like you said, with Poppy so close to having the baby he’s not sure he can come,” I said. “Cota and his latest girlfriend are coming and Trey said he and Chloe will come.”

“And?” she pushed, then waited.

“And, I didn’t tell my parents because when I called, both of their assistants answered.” I plopped down in a chair, talking. “They haven’t even bothered to return my call and I wasn’t inviting them through their assistants.”

“Agreed, but at least you tried,” Aunt Victoria went on. “August messaged me that he and Imogen will try, but he has a few big projects going in Australia right now.”

“It’s fine, I know how hard he works.” I sipped on a drink Josh delivered. “Are you going to send me the bio on the fifth girl or just spring her on me?”

“Spring her on you,” she responded right away. “You did tell me you didn’t care and I could decide.”

“Yes, I did. I just thought maybe I’d ask,” I laughed. “You’re being a little secretive about this last one. I think you’re having fun with it.”

“Have the yacht there at the marina Friday morning at ten a.m.,” she ordered. “Have Marcus plan on lunch at noon. I think it will be a perfect time to chat with everyone together to go over the events of the day.”

“Good idea. I can do that,” I said. “Are you giving me someone to keep Asher in line?”

“He tends to behave himself when I’m around, so I think you’ll be okay. Besides, Gunner and Robert will be on the island.”

“Oh, speaking of Gunner, he hired some security to watch the island. Some kind of report he got about the increase in pirate attacks.” I laughed. “Yeah, I know before you say it.”

We disconnected. Asher had left earlier to go oversee the solar installation, so I jumped on an ATV and went to see for myself. The walkway had, in fact, come out beautiful, but too nice. I’d wanted the girls to get a taste of roughing it just a little.

I need to get the guys out here and see if we can come up with something.

“Gunner, I’m glad you’re out here. I was wondering if we could come up with another path for more adventure than this turned out.” I pulled the ATV up next to him.

“I had a feeling you were going to feel that way when you saw this completed.” Gunner called Robert over. “He finally decided to ask.”
