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“I’ve heard some rumors from someone who looks just like you,” Mom said. “Perhaps this is that identical person.”

“I’m better-looking than him, plus he’s boring,” I said.

“Asher, you still going with that old argument? He is your identical twin,” Mom chuckled. “What are you up to this morning? Are we ready for the charity ball?”

“Everything is on target for the ball and the children’s event the next day,” I said. “It just might be the best Hawthorne Christmas party ever.”

“I’m looking forward to it. I hear we’re having a scavenger hunt, among other things,” Mom said. “I’m really looking forward to it. I spoke with Gunner this morning. He had me laughing, telling me about your escapades with a magical elf.”

“I never said I believed it to be a magical elf. I just wanted to figure out what I was seeing and who decorated the trees,” I explained. “That’s what I’m calling about.”

“You want me to help you with your elf?” Mom asked in surprise. “I’m not sure I’m the right person, Son.”

“Oh stop, you can do anything and we both know it, but I’m calling to see what you think about the whole thing,” I said. “You see, Gunner says it was just some kids hiding in the mall. But those trees were decorated overnight way better than kids would do.”

“Okay, that makes sense. Did he have an answer for that?” Mom asked. “Are you positive wires weren’t crossed and a company did it?”

“I checked with everyone, as well as night security. It wasn’t a company.” I paused, then went on. “It’s just strange and I need answers.”

“Asher, you’ve always had a vivid imagination. I’ve always enjoyed it, but maybe this is just kids, like Gunner says.”

“Maybe! What happens if we have a magical elf sighting at the charity ball?” I laughed. “Wouldn’t that be fun for all your stuffy friends?”

“They’re not stuffy, young man,” Mom corrected.

“Try that again, Mom,” I joked.

“Well, maybe a little stuffy,” Mom chuckled. “Let it rest for now, Asher. Time will tell the truth.”

“You’re probably right,” I agreed. “I’ll see you Saturday.”

“What’s really on your mind?”

“I was hoping you would know,” I said, “because I don’t know what’s going on in this head. Maybe it’s the lack of alcohol.”

“It’s definitely thinking clearer,” Mom added. “You relax and enjoy the weekend ahead, then Christmas right after.”

I disconnected with my mother. I called hoping she would tell me something I wasn’t thinking, but she didn’t, for once. Or, she did and I was refusing to accept it. My driver arrived and whisked us away to the mall. He dropped me at the main entrance.

“I’ll be picking up your new Hummer this afternoon,” Mitch said. “Any special instructions?”

“Nope, have fun with it.” I waved and went into the mall.

Santa’s workshop had a few people in line, but no elf. I stopped by to speak with the Santa to see if anyone had found a cell phone. I asked where the elves were, but he shrugged and explained they’d be in any minute. I headed to my office. I needed to go over final details for the ball and the kids’ event this weekend. Nicole had sent me emails and I had some more ideas to add. I laid my briefcase on the desk and called Nicole.

“Please get in contact with the company that hired Santa and the elves. I’d like to have them working Saturday night during the charity ball,” I told her. “Are we all set with everything else?”

“We’re all set, Mr. Hawthorne. I’ll be there tomorrow to oversee the set-up,” Nicole responded.

“Oh, I almost forgot. I want a wreath for each guest to decorate and have delivered to the local hospital for every patient,” I added. “You’ll need a whole crafting area set-up.”

“I got it, sir,” Nicole replied. “By the way, the pies will be arriving Saturday around noon. The caterer said they had room to keep them in a warmer.”

I hung up, satisfied that everything was ready for an epic Christmas party. I wondered what Apple was doing today.

Why can’t I shake this girl? I don’t even know what she looks like, and I didn’t care. Hah, that’s a first.

I needed to clean up a bit from sleeping in a recliner. The door to the back part of my office was locked. I jiggled the handle, calling out to whomever was inside. No one answered. I listened at the door. There wasn’t any movement.
