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Who put a lock on this door? Was there a lock before?

I walked out of the office in search of Gunner. He had to be behind this. The elf was still not at the workshop, which I thought was odd. The guys weren’t in the security office, so I took the opening to look over the video from overnight.

These guys are good. They made sure nothing was visible. So, what are they hiding?

“Mr. Hawthorne, did you need help with something?” Toby asked.

“What happened to the lights last night?” I asked him directly. “The whole mall went dark.”

“I have no idea, sir. Those men you brought in sent me home for the night,” Toby apologized. “I’m sorry. Was I not supposed to listen to them?”

“It’s okay. Did the security system show any change in the lighting?” I pointed to the control panel. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. It’s working now.”

I left the security office. The fireplace was on, so I dropped down on the couch in front of it. I was feeling pretty proud of the transformations in the mall and the fireplace was going to be a year-round draw for families. Sitting by the workshop and feeling the warmth of the fire made me want to chat with Apple.

“Good morning. Are you in the mall?”

“I’m always here. Are you?”

“Just got back this morning. I’ve been enjoying the fireplace. Have you been to it yet?”

“Are you at the fireplace now?”

“Yes, why don’t you come hang out and meet me.”

“I already know you. Duh, I’m your cell phone.”

“Then come to the fire and I’ll finally get you back.”

Am I ready to lose my mystery friend? She doesn’t even know who I am, and it’s been nice. What did I just do?

Chapter 42


Iwalked alongside of Gunner and Charlie, as if I was being escorted to the chambers. I was sweating and my hands were shaking. We entered the same offices where I’d stayed the night before but, instead of staying in that room, we went into a different office. Gunner had me take a seat, then disappeared. The cell phone buzzed in my purse. I pulled it out and distracted myself, texting with him. We went back and forth with witty banter, as usual. Something about him calmed me. I was going to miss chatting with my mystery man whenever he wanted his cell back. Depending on what happened in the meeting today, I may never get my chance to meet him. His last text came over as if he’d heard my thoughts.

“Then come to the fire and I’ll finally get you back.”Was his last text to me.

Am I ready to lose my confidant? He doesn’t even know who I am, or who I’m not, more accurately.

“Come on in, Paige.” Gunner opened the other door wider. “This is Mrs. Hawthorne.”

I stood in the doorway, clutching the cell phone. She was a pretty woman, and very intimidating-looking. I watched her look me over, then her eyes landed on the cell phone in my hand. Her eyebrow raised, then went back down as quickly as it went up.

Is she upset that I’m holding a cell phone?

“Have a seat, dear, and just call me Victoria,” Victoria smiled. “I heard about that eye. I hope it’s feeling better today.”

“Thank you, I’ll be alright.” I gave a quick smile and looked around me. “I’m sorry, I’m very nervous. Am I in trouble?”

“Not at all. I have looked over all of your paperwork and listened to Gunner and Charlie talk about you, as a person, not just someone on paper.” Victoria went on. “I have a proposition for you.”

“Okay, I’m not sure what to say.” I jumped when the cell in my hand buzzed.

“Do you need to get that?” Victoria asked. “It’s quite alright if you need a minute.”

“No, this is just a phone I found. I’m trying to get it back to the owner.” I put it in my purse. “Please, go on.”
