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Finian burst out laughing. “I’m gonna make the rounds; let’s catch up later.”

“Where you staying? Why aren’t you in costume?”

“Hadn’t thought about it. Flew in an hour ago, no time to get one. I could always sleep on my plane.”

“Stay with us.” Sabrina answered before I could. “We have an extra room.”

“Yes, you have to. We can catch up.” I agreed with the idea.

“Same penthouse that all the Hawthornes are in?” He stopped from leaving. “You have oreos?”

“Same priorities as always, I see.” I pushed his arm to go. “The answer is yes, of course.”

“I knew it.” He chuckled. “She know about your addiction?”

“She does now.”

“I did not know you had another brother. Why does it sound like he has been far away for a long time?” Sabrina asked

“He travels a lot. He’s a photographer, and a darn good one.”

“Perhaps later he can show us some of his pictures from around the world.”

“I’m sure he’d love to show you his portfolio.” I saw the Jordans coming toward me.

“Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, how are you this evening?” I said to NBA star Michael Jordan. “This is my wife, Sabrina.”

“I have met you before. I have pictures I took with you in that place that was kind of dark.” She looked up at him intently.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember meeting you. Where, did you say?” Michael asked.

“I forgot the name of the place, but there were women that were famous.”

“How long ago would that have been?”

“Oh, wait, I remember. It was the Madame’s House. I can show you the picture. We had a few pictures.” She got her cell out to find them.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t go to madam houses.” He looked at his wife who was looking at him with attitude. “Perhaps you’ve confused me with someone else.”

“Here we go, see the picture?” She held it up for all to see it.

I could see him wanting to look but clearly was worried about looking. His wife grabbed the phone, taking a good look at it. “This looks like him, but not him.”

“Is that not his uniform for basketball?” She looked confused. “The sign said it was him.”

“Oh, my goodness, Mr. Jordan, forgive my wife.” I took the phone and zoomed it in. “I took her to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum. She took pictures with each figure. Here, take a look.”

We all had a good laugh about it. Sabrina looked confused, so I would have to explain later.

“You had me confused because people say the craziest stuff about me, and I am a happily-married man.” He kissed his wife’s cheek. “I forgot I let them make a wax figure of me.”

“I haven’t seen it. It really looks like you.” His wife looked at the picture again.

“I am sorry to worry you. May I have a picture with the real person?” Sabrina asked.

He was all smiles and took a picture with her. We chatted for a few more minutes then

had to move on to the next person.
