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“Thanks, I’ll feel better knowing Sabrina will be surrounded by Hawthornes when I’m not here.”

“Very admirable, nephew. I’m very proud of how you have been handling yourself.”

“If I didn’t already, thank you for trusting me.”

“Are you getting mushy on me?”

“Never. I’m a young college graduate. We don’t get mushy.”

“Uh-huh, you keep telling yourself that and I’ll pretend it’s true.”

“Don’t go telling my secrets.”

“Lol. Go pick a unit. I’ve been saving them for Hawthornes to fill up the building.”

“Really? All the tenants are family?”

“Yep, I just might put a huge HAWTHORNE on top.”

“I don’t see that as something you would do.”

“True, but I thought about it for a moment.”

“Ha ha, see you next week at the manor.”

“Your parents might be there.”

“Sure they will.”

I watched Sabrina lean over the railing, looking out at the park. When I slid my cell in my back pocket, I leaned on the rail next to her. We stood side by side without speaking, just looking around. I loved the island, but the view of Central Park from here would forever be a favorite.

“Are you ready to go pick a unit of our own?”

“Can we stay here on the balcony until it gets dark?” She smiled at me, then looked back. “It will be dark soon and I don’t wish to miss anything.”

“Agreed, we have all week to look, anyways.” I looked out at the park. “Except, we will need to get it furnished so we can move in next week.”

“It will be fine, just relax and enjoy the view.” She touched my forearm. “We do not “need” a lot of furniture to live in the apartment. Now enjoy this.”

“I’ve never thought about it that way. I guess I’ve never been without.”

“And I have never been with. We make quite a pair,” she said. “It’s getting dark now but I still can’t stop looking at it.”

“This city can do that to you.”

“I have never once been in this city and had the chance to just look at it.”

“Are you getting hungry yet?”

“Just a little. Does Kellan have food in his kitchen?”

“What he has is a chef, but I told him to let his chef have the week off.” I grinned. “I wanted to take you around and show you all the wonderful places and things to eat.”

“I like that very much. What are we having tonight?”

“It’s a secret. Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”
