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A few minutes to myself?

“I have you on the west wing in the Ivory Suite.” She took Sabrina by the hand. “It has a great view and I guessed that you would enjoy a nice view.”

“You are correct. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Hawthorne. I have not had a chance to say that to you yet.”

“Dear Sabrina, you need not thank me. I have a very good feeling about you and my nephew.” She pulled her along as she walked. “Let’s have a walk around so you get comfortable with the manor before my gang gets here.”

We walked around the manor. She showed us the room set up for the baby shower and the kitchen, as well as introduced Sabrina to the staff, though I knew already that she wasn’t going to be asking the staff to do things for her. I had to hide my face when Bond, Charlie, and the housekeeper carried in all of the stuffed animals.

“Cota, dear, I know this has to be all you.” Aunt Victoria crossed her arms. “Do remember karma is always watching.”

“What? I thought these were amazing. Look at this bear over here.” I hugged the bear to me. “I can cuddle with him he’s so big.”

“I do see that, but the baby won’t be big enough to cuddle this bear until she is at least twenty-one.” She laughed as the last words were coming out. “We should get you to your room now so you can get dressed for the shower.”

“Thank you, Victoria. I don’t require a lot of time, so if there is anything I can help you with just let me know,” Sabrina answered with a nervous smile.

“Other than the chef cooking the food, all is ready,” Victoria said. “Come on, I’ll show you to your suite.”

“Aunt Victoria, I know how to find my way. I’m sure you need to go greet whoever just came in.” I smiled to let her know it was alright.

I brought Sabrina up to our suite. “I’m sorry we have to share. We can figure it out, though. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried, Cota. I had to share a bed my whole life.” She tried to open the curtains. “I don’t take up much room.”

I’m not sure I will be okay sharing a bed. This may not be good.



The manor was not only as I expected it to be, but even more extravagant, yet no one acted like their worth. I was afraid to walk anywhere. There were housekeepers, cooks, butlers, and others that I had no idea what their job was.

“I’m going to go use the other bathroom to get changed.” Cota held up his clothes. “I’ll be back.”

The room was in fact a suite, as she called it. I’d never had more than a twin bed as “my space”. After a few spins I held up my cell to snap a selfie.

That picture will be a great memory when I leave.

I found my outfits already hanging in the closet. Murphy had told me which outfit to choose to help me out and I was ever so grateful for her. When I came out of the bathroom ready to go downstairs, Cota called me over to the window.

“Look over to the left. There are, like, five deer grazing.”

“I love seeing that, thank you. Can we pet them?”

“I’ve never tried. I would be afraid of scaring them off and at least here on the property they are safe from hunters.”

“I like that even more. Can we at least feed them?”

“Absolutely, they count on it. Aunt Victoria keeps food out back.” He backed away from the window. “Now let’s get downstairs so you don’t have to walk into a full room.”

Cota found us a spot together on a loveseat. I liked that I could see the doorway without it being awkward to see who was coming in. One pairing at a time showed up for the shower. Presents were piled up on two separate tables in the entry way. Poppy was so sweet, and the baby was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. She told me about Australia and learning to fit in with the Hawthornes. I felt better already, hearing that they are exactly how they seemed. Then Mia and Parker came in with the second guest of honor and he was just as adorable.

“Okay, listen up. The first game of the day is to wear a clothespin on you somewhere.” Aunt Victoria passed them around. “You cannot say the words baby, Kellan, Mia, Parker or Poppy for the rest of the party. If you say it and someone hears you, they can take your clothespin.”

“This should be fun. I guarantee the twins get into it.” Cota reached for a clothespin.

“Does everyone understand the rules?” Aunt Victoria looked around. “Alright then…”
