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“Hold on, hold on. Did it start yet?” Asher asked.

“No Son, not yet. Did you have a question?”

“Nope, just need to do this quick: Kellan, Kellan, Parker, Parker, Poppy, Poppy, Mia, Mia.” He gestured he was done. “No, wait, I forgot one: baby, baby, baby. Okay, I’m ready now.”

“Seriously, dude? That has to be some kind of cheating.” The twin named August argued.

“Boys, that’s enough. The babies are listening to this bickering.” She pointed to Poppy and Mia.

I took the clothespin but didn’t mingle much so I wasn’t getting mine stolen like the others were. I could hear the twin brothers bickering back and forth. It was obvious the bickering wasn’t the hateful kind. I found myself mesmerized with them. They were so identical yet so very different. Their wives weren’t even paying attention to them.

“Baby! I heard you say baby.” Sawyer walked over to Cota and took his clothespin. “And I’ll take that pin, please.”

The activities went on for hours; the Hawthornes knew how to have fun. I was feeling so lucky to have found an incredible group of people to become family with.

“I know they can be a lot to be around, but you’ll find soon enough they all have big hearts to go along with the big personalities and family name.” Poppy sat with her new baby girl. “I heard a little rumor that you will be performing at the next party.”

“Yes, they asked me to.” I smiled in her direction. “Your baby is so quiet.”

“She’s a Hawthorne, meaning she can make noise. Don’t let her sleeping fool you.” Poppy grinned. “You do realize that I have to take your clothes pin now.”

“Very sneaky.” I grinned back and handed it to her. “I see now I have to watch everyone, not just the husbands.”

The games kept coming along with more bickering and more winners celebrating around the room. Cota tried his best to be attentive, but I shooed him away each time to go have fun. About an hour into the party games, an older couple entered the room and it was as if a brisk breeze washed over everyone.

“How nice of you to grace us with your presence.” Aunt Victoria spoke up first. “I was wondering if you were going to fit in your first grandbaby.”

“We wouldn’t miss visiting this beautiful little girl. We had only boys to raise, so she is a nice addition.”

“Mother, how are you?” Cota approached his mother but didn’t touch her. “Will you be staying overnight?”

“We have our plane waiting on us to go meet up with friends, but we are here for a few hours,” his father replied. “I’m starving, where’s the food?”

“On that note, everyone, let’s go on into the dining room to eat. The chef has let me know it’s ready.” Victoria stood by the door to exit. “We can finish some games later so keep your clothespins on.”

“Why ever do you have a clip like that on your clothing?” Cota’s mother asked him and Kellan. “Very unpolished.”

“It’s a game, Mother. Perhaps you try it sometime.” Kellan walked past her without stopping, then turned back. “Poppy is holding the baby.’

“Are you ready to meet my parents?” Cota dropped down next to me on the couch. “We can skip it today if you aren’t ready. They are especially snobby today.”

“I can meet them, Cota. They cannot be any more difficult to be around than Yury.” I took his hand in mine. “As long as you stay by me.”

The meal was served by staff in crisp uniforms on white linen as if we were at a formal event instead of a family baby shower. There were other people in attendance that appeared to be friends of the family and more friends of the two couples. Mia looked tired leaving me to wonder if she had a nanny. The meal lasted an hour, then we were off to the room with all the gifts. Poppy was in love with all of the giant stuffed animals we had brought. As was Mia and Parker. They all appeared to get a kick out of it.

“I told you they’d be the best gift,” Cota whispered from behind me. “I’m glad we did the same gifts for Mia’s baby. My parents are about to leave. I need to introduce you now.”

“How do you know they are leaving?” I looked over to them talking. “To me they look like they are having a good time.”

“Believe me, they are about to announce they are leaving.” Cota took my hand to pull me along. “It’s now, then they will leave us all to have a good time.”

“Mother and Father, I’d like you to meet my wife.” He pulled me to his side for all to see.

“What did you say, Cota?” his father demanded. “Who is this woman you have with you?”

“This is Sabrina, and she is Cota’s new bride. Isn’t it wonderful how he has settled down?” Victoria stepped in to help. “Several of your children are married now; you may just get more grandbabies. Isn’t it wonderful?”

“You’ve only just graduated, boy,” his father growled. “Why would you do this?”
