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Athrill runs up my spine as we lean into sharp mountain peaks soaring around them and between rocky ridges. We’ve been up here for an hour, and I know we’ll have to touch back down to earth sooner rather than later, but I still don’t want it to stop.

“Close your eyes for me.”

I’m surprised by his request, and as much as I don’t want to obey because I’m having so much fun, I do as I’m told. Knowing Gavin will reward me. The pressure in the plane changes, and I’m glad to be wearing headphones, so I don’t have to suffer a headache.

“Now open.”

Again, I obey his command, and when I open my eyes, a large flowing waterfall comes into view, beating down to the earth below. It's twenty times the size of the one by his house. The scene is breathtaking, and I take it all in silently, in awe.

Wildflowers grow in the moss that covers the rocky boulders below, and rushing water streams down the mountainside. Dark reds, oranges, and yellows paint the trees for autumn.

“It’s like something from a story,” I shout into the headset, my ears ringing with the vibration of the small plane.

A sudden jerk scares me, and suddenly we’re nose-diving. A yelp escapes me; even though I trust Gavin completely, knowing he’s been flying his whole life, I’m stuck between fear and excitement. I heady mix as the sexy pilot beside me takes control, maneuvering us close to the water but not close enough to be in any danger.

“I got you.”

“I know! I trust you,” I reply.

The plane shakes almost violently as he strategically lands in a long empty field. When the wheels hit the ground, it’s bumpy but not out of control. No, Gavin has full control and safely brings us to a stop.

As soon as he gives me that cocky grin, I know we’re good to go, so I jump out of the seatbelt, excited to take in such a beautiful place.

The sound of the chirping birds and splashing water is the first thing I notice. The second is Gavin’s powerful presence. At the water’s edge, he wraps his arms around me in an embrace I feel all the way to my toes. I want to spill all the words of love, longing, and adoration to him, but he wants me to stay, and for now, that’s good enough.

Wanting a man who doesn’t communicate well could break my heart. I trust Gavin more than anyone on this planet, and if I lose him because I rushed him, I’ll never forgive myself. He needs me as much as I need him; coming here has proved that. We’re great together. Gone are my former insecurities about whether he would see me as feminine. There is no question of his desire for me. Proving my point, his thick erection grinds into my backside, and I moan shamelessly pushing back into him.


I gasp at the hypocrisy.

“You’re one to talk, Mr. I want you in my bed. You’re the one pressing into me here.”

“Oh, I know, I’m worse. I just wanted you to know I like it.”

I laugh as he takes my hand, leading me closer to the waterfall. The sun is hot and bright today, but I imagine the spring water will be freezing.

“Want to go for a swim?”

“In that? Isn’t it cold?”

“Yes,” he says, pulling his long flannel off his shoulders and tossing it to the mossy rocks nearby and kicking off his shoes, followed by his pants. He’s really going in. Well, ok then, we’re going swimming. I swear this man leads me on a new adventure every day.

I take a deep breath and shed my clothes as he splashes into the wading dark water. We’re perfectly secluded out here, and something about being naked in the wild is exhilarating. Placing a timid toe into the cold water, I whine at the confirmation. The sitting water of the pond here is probably in the chilly forty degrees or lower.

“This is not what I thought you had in mind for today.”

“Oh, come on now, ride-or-die. The more things you try out, the more you know what you like and what you want.”

I hum at the nickname, thinking about all the words not said. All the things I could fill in. Thoroughly enticed, I force myself to plow through and dive in. Coming up for air, I gasp in shock. Even knowing the water would be cold couldn’t prepare me, but just as quickly, I’m engulfed by a warm body with rippling muscles and that scruffy beard. Wrapping around him, I hold on, unable to touch the bottom, but he can and steadies us. We don’t say anything for a moment, just take it all in.

Out here in the middle of nowhere, it’s so peaceful. No sounds of traffic or endless people chattering. It’s just us, at one with nature and each other. For so long, I thought I wouldn’t be able to have this. A connection with someone who really gets me. A man who sees me under the hood of a machine and actually has fire in his eyes. Gavin doesn’t treat me like one of the guys, yet I can joke around and not be girly or perfect. Hell, I’ve burped in front of the man a handful of times already. He wants me to stay. I don’t have to be anything but myself with him, and my heart soars at the possibility of our future together.

We’re only a few inches from the crashing falls now, and it’s all I can hear. Our bodies are pressed so tightly to each other that it’s becoming hard to take in the scenery or think of anything else. Gavin is all I can feel. His rough chest hair rubs against my sensitive nipples, and I bite my lip. How much sex can someone have before they hurt themselves? The two of us have been insatiable; still, my body and heart want more.
