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Weeks go by, and Joey and I fall into an easy routine together. Up with the sun most days, only to stay in bed making love for an extra hour or so. Then we head out, feed Billy the Kid, and work on Billy Jean. She’s almost back to her former glory, and I haven’t told Joey yet, but I have a museum interested in buying her, and the money would be a big enough chunk of change to finally take one of the big trips we always talked about.

“I could show you the world.”

She giggles, not entirely aware of my plan.

“Take me wonder by wonder?”

I hum with a smile as we reach my truck, parked right next to her car, which still has the same flat tire. We could both easily change it. I could have changed it instead of paying a very reluctant Vance Owen to tow it up here. Not his job indeed, but I thanked him with a bottle of Jack, and he seemed to understand. I don’t know why I’m still scared she’ll leave. It’s just hard feeling so much for someone like my heart just walking around outside my chest all day.

“I will, you know. Got big plans for it, in fact.”

“Oh, do tell me all about these magical lands.” Her tone is flirty, and my eyes can’t help but wander down her neck. Getting a peek at her ample chest, I growl with satisfaction. I am one lucky son of a bitch. Gripping her thigh like I’ve become accustomed to doing lately, I shake my head.


“Oh, that’s not fair. You can’t just tell me there’s something exciting but not actually tell me what it is…that’s just mean, Gavin.”

I smile but don’t give in. Instead, I keep my eyes on the road ahead. We’re going into town for lunch at Pour Decisions. Joey and Robin are thick as thieves these days. Sure didn’t take my town long to fall for her as hard as I have.

Every weekend we come for a late beer but no more sharing. Joey made it clear she was thankful and paid my bill, but if Robin tried to pull me into another auction of man meat, she wouldn’t be sharing and didn’t care if she broke the bar down fighting for me. Someone could have offered me the jet plane from Top Gun; still, I wouldn’t have felt as good as I did hearing her say that. She fucking loves me. I can feel it in every small touch of my bicep. She always tries to make me something to eat even though she sucks at cooking anything. When she gets dirty under the hood of one of my planes and actually asks questions even though part of me thinks she knows the answer. Joey gets me. She knows I love talking nuts and bolts and lets me gush over the fact. And I reward her generously. Whether in my bed or at a waterfall, I’m far from done when it comes to spoiling her.

Pulling into the small parking lot on the side of the building, we make our way inside. Robin greets us with a wave, and we take our usual stools at the bar.

“Roast beef,” I say, not bothering to open the lunch menu.


Robin just laughs at us. Another thing Joey and I have in common is our simple taste in food.

“Oh, you two are a match made in heaven, aren’t ya.”

We don’t respond, but a small smile that matches mine shines on her face.

“Sure gonna miss seeing y’all’s happily ever after.”

“What? Where are you going?” Joey’s attention snaps to Robin. This is news to both of us.

“I need a change, so I’m selling the bar and moving down to the Keys for some much-needed sun and sand. Trading barflies for Mai Tai’s, babe.”

“We have those things,” I grumble because, honestly, I hate to see her leave. Robin is one of the few people in this town that I like. A proper owner of a rowdy bar that never gets out of hand. That kind of power over your people comes naturally to her, and I can’t think of anyone else who could replace her.

“Right, but since this is the only small town I’ve ever seen, I’m taking a lesson from your fearless pen pal here and taking an adventure of my own.”

Well, damn, when she puts it that way, I can’t blame her. Is there anyone who just wants to stay in one place forever? Surely the people of my town who were born and raised aren’t miserable, are they? Maybe I should do some pro-bono flights just for fun. With the money for Billy Jean, I could make that happen.

“But, you’re my only friend.” Joey whines.

I grunt at her words even though I’m not really offended.

“You don’t count,” she says, her face softening, and Robin laughs. I know what she means. I’m not just her friend, and she’s not mine, although she is still my best friend, and I know I’m hers. We haven’t lost anything between us but gained so much more, like orgasms.

“You can fly down and see me. I just can’t sit here hoping to meet Mr. Right when Mr. Billy Bob and his missing teeth is the only one in this town showing me any interest. Now I’m ok not being someone’s cup of tea, but I know all the men in this town and the tourists are losing their appeal. I need a change and a real bonafide date. Dinner and drinks, a movie maybe. Fuck, do guys still gift flowers? I’d love a man to give me flowers.”

Just then, a man in the back eating at a booth belches, and Robin sighs, putting up a hand as if to say, see my point.
